12479: Remove tag button working.
[arvados.git] / apps / workbench / app / assets / javascripts / components / edit_tags.js
1 // Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
2 //
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
5 window.SelectOrAutocomplete = {
6     view: function(vnode) {
7         return m("input", {
8             style: {
9                 width: '100%'
10             },
11             type: 'text',
12             value: vnode.attrs.value
13         }, vnode.attrs.value)
14     },
15     oncreate: function(vnode) {
16         vnode.state.selector = $(vnode.dom).selectize({
17             labelField: 'value',
18             valueField: 'value',
19             searchField: 'value',
20             sortField: 'value',
21             maxItems: 1,
22             create: vnode.attrs.create ? function(input) {
23                 return {value: input}
24             } : false,
25             items: [vnode.attrs.value()],
26             options: vnode.attrs.options.map(function(option) {
27                 return {value: option}
28             }),
29             onChange: function(val) {
30                 vnode.state.dirty = true
31                 vnode.attrs.value(val)
32                 m.redraw()
33             }
34         }).data('selectize')
35     }
36 }
38 // When in edit mode, present a tag name selector and tag value
39 // selector/editor depending of the tag type.
40 window.TagEditorRow = {
41     view: function(vnode) {
42         return m("tr", [
43             // Erase tag
44             m("td",
45             vnode.attrs.editMode ?
46             m("i.glyphicon.glyphicon-remove", {
47                 style: "cursor: pointer;",
48                 onclick: function(e) {
49                     console.log('Erase tag clicked')
50                     vnode.attrs.removeTag()
51                 }
52             })
53             : ""),
54             // Tag name
55             m("td",
56             vnode.attrs.editMode ?
57             m("div", {key: 'name-'+vnode.attrs.name()},[m(SelectOrAutocomplete, {
58                 options: (vnode.attrs.name() in vnode.attrs.vocabulary().types)
59                     ? Object.keys(vnode.attrs.vocabulary().types)
60                     : Object.keys(vnode.attrs.vocabulary().types).concat(vnode.attrs.name()),
61                 value: vnode.attrs.name,
62                 create: vnode.attrs.vocabulary().strict
63             })])
64             : vnode.attrs.name),
65             // Tag value
66             m("td",
67             vnode.attrs.editMode ?
68             m("div", {key: 'value-'+vnode.attrs.name()}, [m(SelectOrAutocomplete, {
69                 options: (vnode.attrs.name() in vnode.attrs.vocabulary().types) 
70                     ? vnode.attrs.vocabulary().types[vnode.attrs.name()].options.concat(vnode.attrs.value())
71                     : [vnode.attrs.value()],
72                 value: vnode.attrs.value,
73                 create: (vnode.attrs.name() in vnode.attrs.vocabulary().types)
74                     ? vnode.attrs.vocabulary().types[vnode.attrs.name()].overridable || false
75                     : true, // If tag not in vocabulary, we should accept any value
76                 })
77             ])
78             : vnode.attrs.value)
79         ])
80     }
81 }
83 window.TagEditorTable = {
84     view: function(vnode) {
85         return m("table.table.table-condensed", {
86             border: "1"
87         }, [
88             m("colgroup", [
89                 m("col", {width:"5%"}),
90                 m("col", {width:"25%"}),
91                 m("col", {width:"70%"}),
92             ]),
93             m("thead", [
94                 m("tr", [
95                     m("th"),
96                     m("th", "Key"),
97                     m("th", "Value"),
98                 ])
99             ]),
100             m("tbody", [
101                 vnode.attrs.tags.map(function(tag, idx) {
102                     return m(TagEditorRow, {
103                         key: idx,
104                         removeTag: function() {
105                             vnode.attrs.tags.splice(idx, 1)
106                         },
107                         editMode: vnode.attrs.editMode,
108                         name: tag.name,
109                         value: tag.value,
110                         vocabulary: vnode.attrs.vocabulary
111                     })
112                 })
113             ]),
114         ])
115     }
116 }
118 window.TagEditorApp = {
119     oninit: function(vnode) {
120         vnode.state.sessionDB = new SessionDB()
121         // Get vocabulary
122         vnode.state.vocabulary = m.stream({"strict":false, "types":{}})
123         m.request('/vocabulary.json').then(vnode.state.vocabulary)
124         vnode.state.editMode = vnode.attrs.targetEditable
125         // Get tags
126         vnode.state.tags = []
127         var objPath = '/arvados/v1/'+vnode.attrs.targetController+'/'+vnode.attrs.targetUuid
128         vnode.state.sessionDB.request(
129             vnode.state.sessionDB.loadLocal(), objPath).then(function(obj) {
130                 Object.keys(obj.properties).forEach(function(k) {
131                     vnode.state.tags.push({
132                         name: m.stream(k),
133                         value: m.stream(obj.properties[k])
134                     })
135                 })
136             }
137         )
138     },
139     view: function(vnode) {
140         return [
141             // Tags table
142             m(TagEditorTable, {
143                 editMode: vnode.state.editMode,
144                 tags: vnode.state.tags,
145                 vocabulary: vnode.state.vocabulary
146             }),
147             vnode.state.editMode ?
148             m("div", [
149                 m("div.pull-left", [
150                     // Add tag button
151                     m("a.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm", {
152                         onclick: function(e) {
153                             vnode.state.tags.push({
154                                 name: m.stream('new tag'),
155                                 value: m.stream('new tag value')
156                             })
157                         }
158                     }, [
159                         m("i.glyphicon.glyphicon-plus"),
160                         " Add new tag "
161                     ])
162                 ]),
163                 m("div.pull-right", [
164                     // Save button
165                     m("a.btn.btn-primary.btn-sm", {
166                         onclick: function(e) {
167                             console.log('Save button clicked')
168                             // vnode.state.tags.save().then(function() {
169                             //     vnode.state.tags.load()
170                             // })
171                         }
172                     }, " Save ")
173                 ])
174             ])
175             : ""
176         ]
177     },
178 }