1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
5 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
7 from __future__ import absolute_import
8 from __future__ import division
9 from future import standard_library
10 standard_library.install_aliases()
11 from builtins import str
12 from builtins import range
13 from functools import partial
20 import multiprocessing
36 import arvados.commands.put as arv_put
37 from . import arvados_testutil as tutil
39 from .arvados_testutil import ArvadosBaseTestCase, fake_httplib2_response
40 from . import run_test_server
42 class ArvadosPutResumeCacheTest(ArvadosBaseTestCase):
46 ['/dev/null', '--filename', 'empty'],
51 super(ArvadosPutResumeCacheTest, self).tearDown()
53 self.last_cache.destroy()
54 except AttributeError:
57 def cache_path_from_arglist(self, arglist):
58 return arv_put.ResumeCache.make_path(arv_put.parse_arguments(arglist))
60 def test_cache_names_stable(self):
61 for argset in self.CACHE_ARGSET:
62 self.assertEqual(self.cache_path_from_arglist(argset),
63 self.cache_path_from_arglist(argset),
64 "cache name changed for {}".format(argset))
66 def test_cache_names_unique(self):
68 for argset in self.CACHE_ARGSET:
69 path = self.cache_path_from_arglist(argset)
70 self.assertNotIn(path, results)
73 def test_cache_names_simple(self):
74 # The goal here is to make sure the filename doesn't use characters
75 # reserved by the filesystem. Feel free to adjust this regexp as
76 # long as it still does that.
77 bad_chars = re.compile(r'[^-\.\w]')
78 for argset in self.CACHE_ARGSET:
79 path = self.cache_path_from_arglist(argset)
80 self.assertFalse(bad_chars.search(os.path.basename(path)),
81 "path too exotic: {}".format(path))
83 def test_cache_names_ignore_argument_order(self):
85 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['a', 'b', 'c']),
86 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['c', 'a', 'b']))
88 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['-', '--filename', 'stdin']),
89 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['--filename', 'stdin', '-']))
91 def test_cache_names_differ_for_similar_paths(self):
92 # This test needs names at / that don't exist on the real filesystem.
94 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['/_arvputtest1', '/_arvputtest2']),
95 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['/_arvputtest1/_arvputtest2']))
97 def test_cache_names_ignore_irrelevant_arguments(self):
98 # Workaround: parse_arguments bails on --filename with a directory.
99 path1 = self.cache_path_from_arglist(['/tmp'])
100 args = arv_put.parse_arguments(['/tmp'])
101 args.filename = 'tmp'
102 path2 = arv_put.ResumeCache.make_path(args)
103 self.assertEqual(path1, path2,
104 "cache path considered --filename for directory")
106 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['-']),
107 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['-', '--max-manifest-depth', '1']),
108 "cache path considered --max-manifest-depth for file")
110 def test_cache_names_treat_negative_manifest_depths_identically(self):
111 base_args = ['/tmp', '--max-manifest-depth']
113 self.cache_path_from_arglist(base_args + ['-1']),
114 self.cache_path_from_arglist(base_args + ['-2']))
116 def test_cache_names_treat_stdin_consistently(self):
118 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['-', '--filename', 'test']),
119 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['/dev/stdin', '--filename', 'test']))
121 def test_cache_names_identical_for_synonymous_names(self):
123 self.cache_path_from_arglist(['.']),
124 self.cache_path_from_arglist([os.path.realpath('.')]))
125 testdir = self.make_tmpdir()
126 looplink = os.path.join(testdir, 'loop')
127 os.symlink(testdir, looplink)
129 self.cache_path_from_arglist([testdir]),
130 self.cache_path_from_arglist([looplink]))
132 def test_cache_names_different_by_api_host(self):
133 config = arvados.config.settings()
134 orig_host = config.get('ARVADOS_API_HOST')
136 name1 = self.cache_path_from_arglist(['.'])
137 config['ARVADOS_API_HOST'] = 'x' + (orig_host or 'localhost')
138 self.assertNotEqual(name1, self.cache_path_from_arglist(['.']))
140 if orig_host is None:
141 del config['ARVADOS_API_HOST']
143 config['ARVADOS_API_HOST'] = orig_host
145 @mock.patch('arvados.keep.KeepClient.head')
146 def test_resume_cache_with_current_stream_locators(self, keep_client_head):
147 keep_client_head.side_effect = [True]
149 thing['_current_stream_locators'] = ['098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6+4', '1f253c60a2306e0ee12fb6ce0c587904+6']
150 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cachefile:
151 self.last_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
152 self.last_cache.save(thing)
153 self.last_cache.close()
154 resume_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(self.last_cache.filename)
155 self.assertNotEqual(None, resume_cache)
157 @mock.patch('arvados.keep.KeepClient.head')
158 def test_resume_cache_with_finished_streams(self, keep_client_head):
159 keep_client_head.side_effect = [True]
161 thing['_finished_streams'] = [['.', ['098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6+4', '1f253c60a2306e0ee12fb6ce0c587904+6']]]
162 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cachefile:
163 self.last_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
164 self.last_cache.save(thing)
165 self.last_cache.close()
166 resume_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(self.last_cache.filename)
167 self.assertNotEqual(None, resume_cache)
169 @mock.patch('arvados.keep.KeepClient.head')
170 def test_resume_cache_with_finished_streams_error_on_head(self, keep_client_head):
171 keep_client_head.side_effect = Exception('Locator not found')
173 thing['_finished_streams'] = [['.', ['098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6+4', '1f253c60a2306e0ee12fb6ce0c587904+6']]]
174 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cachefile:
175 self.last_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
176 self.last_cache.save(thing)
177 self.last_cache.close()
178 resume_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(self.last_cache.filename)
179 self.assertNotEqual(None, resume_cache)
180 resume_cache.check_cache()
182 def test_basic_cache_storage(self):
183 thing = ['test', 'list']
184 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cachefile:
185 self.last_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
186 self.last_cache.save(thing)
187 self.assertEqual(thing, self.last_cache.load())
189 def test_empty_cache(self):
190 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cachefile:
191 cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
192 self.assertRaises(ValueError, cache.load)
194 def test_cache_persistent(self):
195 thing = ['test', 'list']
196 path = os.path.join(self.make_tmpdir(), 'cache')
197 cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(path)
200 self.last_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(path)
201 self.assertEqual(thing, self.last_cache.load())
203 def test_multiple_cache_writes(self):
204 thing = ['short', 'list']
205 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cachefile:
206 self.last_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
207 # Start writing an object longer than the one we test, to make
208 # sure the cache file gets truncated.
209 self.last_cache.save(['long', 'long', 'list'])
210 self.last_cache.save(thing)
211 self.assertEqual(thing, self.last_cache.load())
213 def test_cache_is_locked(self):
214 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cachefile:
215 _ = arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
216 self.assertRaises(arv_put.ResumeCacheConflict,
217 arv_put.ResumeCache, cachefile.name)
219 def test_cache_stays_locked(self):
220 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cachefile:
221 self.last_cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
222 path = cachefile.name
223 self.last_cache.save('test')
224 self.assertRaises(arv_put.ResumeCacheConflict,
225 arv_put.ResumeCache, path)
227 def test_destroy_cache(self):
228 cachefile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
230 cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
234 arv_put.ResumeCache(cachefile.name)
235 except arv_put.ResumeCacheConflict:
236 self.fail("could not load cache after destroying it")
237 self.assertRaises(ValueError, cache.load)
239 if os.path.exists(cachefile.name):
240 os.unlink(cachefile.name)
242 def test_restart_cache(self):
243 path = os.path.join(self.make_tmpdir(), 'cache')
244 cache = arv_put.ResumeCache(path)
247 self.assertRaises(ValueError, cache.load)
248 self.assertRaises(arv_put.ResumeCacheConflict,
249 arv_put.ResumeCache, path)
252 class ArvPutUploadJobTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers,
253 ArvadosBaseTestCase):
256 super(ArvPutUploadJobTest, self).setUp()
257 run_test_server.authorize_with('active')
258 # Temp files creation
259 self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
260 subdir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'subdir')
262 data = "x" * 1024 # 1 KB
263 for i in range(1, 5):
264 with open(os.path.join(self.tempdir, str(i)), 'w') as f:
266 with open(os.path.join(subdir, 'otherfile'), 'w') as f:
268 # Large temp file for resume test
269 _, self.large_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
270 fileobj = open(self.large_file_name, 'w')
271 # Make sure to write just a little more than one block
272 for _ in range((arvados.config.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE>>20)+1):
273 data = random.choice(['x', 'y', 'z']) * 1024 * 1024 # 1 MiB
276 # Temp dir containing small files to be repacked
277 self.small_files_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
278 data = 'y' * 1024 * 1024 # 1 MB
279 for i in range(1, 70):
280 with open(os.path.join(self.small_files_dir, str(i)), 'w') as f:
281 f.write(data + str(i))
282 self.arvfile_write = getattr(arvados.arvfile.ArvadosFileWriter, 'write')
283 # Temp dir to hold a symlink to other temp dir
284 self.tempdir_with_symlink = tempfile.mkdtemp()
285 os.symlink(self.tempdir, os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkeddir'))
286 os.symlink(os.path.join(self.tempdir, '1'),
287 os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkedfile'))
290 super(ArvPutUploadJobTest, self).tearDown()
291 shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir)
292 os.unlink(self.large_file_name)
293 shutil.rmtree(self.small_files_dir)
294 shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir_with_symlink)
296 def test_non_regular_files_are_ignored_except_symlinks_to_dirs(self):
298 with open(x, 'w') as f:
300 fifo_filename = 'fifo-file'
301 fifo_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, fifo_filename)
302 self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkeddir')))
304 producer = multiprocessing.Process(target=pfunc, args=(fifo_path,))
306 cwriter = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.tempdir_with_symlink])
307 cwriter.start(save_collection=False)
308 if producer.exitcode is None:
309 # If the producer is still running, kill it. This should always be
310 # before any assertion that may fail.
313 self.assertIn('linkeddir', cwriter.manifest_text())
314 self.assertNotIn(fifo_filename, cwriter.manifest_text())
316 def test_symlinks_are_followed_by_default(self):
317 self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkeddir')))
318 self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkedfile')))
319 cwriter = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.tempdir_with_symlink])
320 cwriter.start(save_collection=False)
321 self.assertIn('linkeddir', cwriter.manifest_text())
322 self.assertIn('linkedfile', cwriter.manifest_text())
323 cwriter.destroy_cache()
325 def test_symlinks_are_not_followed_when_requested(self):
326 self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkeddir')))
327 self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkedfile')))
328 cwriter = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.tempdir_with_symlink],
330 cwriter.start(save_collection=False)
331 self.assertNotIn('linkeddir', cwriter.manifest_text())
332 self.assertNotIn('linkedfile', cwriter.manifest_text())
333 cwriter.destroy_cache()
334 # Check for bug #17800: passed symlinks should also be ignored.
335 linked_dir = os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkeddir')
336 cwriter = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([linked_dir], follow_links=False)
337 cwriter.start(save_collection=False)
338 self.assertNotIn('linkeddir', cwriter.manifest_text())
339 cwriter.destroy_cache()
341 def test_no_empty_collection_saved(self):
342 self.assertTrue(os.path.islink(os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkeddir')))
343 linked_dir = os.path.join(self.tempdir_with_symlink, 'linkeddir')
344 cwriter = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([linked_dir], follow_links=False)
345 cwriter.start(save_collection=True)
346 self.assertIsNone(cwriter.manifest_locator())
347 self.assertEqual('', cwriter.manifest_text())
348 cwriter.destroy_cache()
350 def test_passing_nonexistant_path_raise_exception(self):
351 uuid_str = str(uuid.uuid4())
352 with self.assertRaises(arv_put.PathDoesNotExistError):
353 arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob(["/this/path/does/not/exist/{}".format(uuid_str)])
355 def test_writer_works_without_cache(self):
356 cwriter = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob(['/dev/null'], resume=False)
357 cwriter.start(save_collection=False)
358 self.assertEqual(". d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0 0:0:null\n", cwriter.manifest_text())
360 def test_writer_works_with_cache(self):
361 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
364 cwriter = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([f.name])
365 cwriter.start(save_collection=False)
366 self.assertEqual(0, cwriter.bytes_skipped)
367 self.assertEqual(3, cwriter.bytes_written)
368 # Don't destroy the cache, and start another upload
369 cwriter_new = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([f.name])
370 cwriter_new.start(save_collection=False)
371 cwriter_new.destroy_cache()
372 self.assertEqual(3, cwriter_new.bytes_skipped)
373 self.assertEqual(3, cwriter_new.bytes_written)
375 def make_progress_tester(self):
377 def record_func(written, expected):
378 progression.append((written, expected))
379 return progression, record_func
381 def test_progress_reporting(self):
382 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
385 for expect_count in (None, 8):
386 progression, reporter = self.make_progress_tester()
387 cwriter = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([f.name],
389 cwriter.bytes_expected = expect_count
390 cwriter.start(save_collection=False)
391 cwriter.destroy_cache()
392 self.assertIn((3, expect_count), progression)
394 def test_writer_upload_directory(self):
395 cwriter = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.tempdir])
396 cwriter.start(save_collection=False)
397 cwriter.destroy_cache()
398 self.assertEqual(1024*(1+2+3+4+5), cwriter.bytes_written)
400 def test_resume_large_file_upload(self):
401 def wrapped_write(*args, **kwargs):
403 # Exit only on last block
404 if len(data) < arvados.config.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE:
405 # Simulate a checkpoint before quitting. Ensure block commit.
406 self.writer._update(final=True)
407 raise SystemExit("Simulated error")
408 return self.arvfile_write(*args, **kwargs)
410 with mock.patch('arvados.arvfile.ArvadosFileWriter.write',
411 autospec=True) as mocked_write:
412 mocked_write.side_effect = wrapped_write
413 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
414 replication_desired=1)
415 # We'll be accessing from inside the wrapper
417 with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
418 writer.start(save_collection=False)
419 # Confirm that the file was partially uploaded
420 self.assertGreater(writer.bytes_written, 0)
421 self.assertLess(writer.bytes_written,
422 os.path.getsize(self.large_file_name))
424 writer2 = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
425 replication_desired=1)
426 writer2.start(save_collection=False)
427 self.assertEqual(writer.bytes_written + writer2.bytes_written - writer2.bytes_skipped,
428 os.path.getsize(self.large_file_name))
429 writer2.destroy_cache()
432 # Test for bug #11002
433 def test_graceful_exit_while_repacking_small_blocks(self):
434 def wrapped_commit(*args, **kwargs):
435 raise SystemExit("Simulated error")
437 with mock.patch('arvados.arvfile._BlockManager.commit_bufferblock',
438 autospec=True) as mocked_commit:
439 mocked_commit.side_effect = wrapped_commit
440 # Upload a little more than 1 block, wrapped_commit will make the first block
442 # arv-put should not exit with an exception by trying to commit the collection
443 # as it's in an inconsistent state.
444 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.small_files_dir],
445 replication_desired=1)
447 with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
448 writer.start(save_collection=False)
449 except arvados.arvfile.UnownedBlockError:
450 self.fail("arv-put command is trying to use a corrupted BlockManager. See https://dev.arvados.org/issues/11002")
451 writer.destroy_cache()
453 def test_no_resume_when_asked(self):
454 def wrapped_write(*args, **kwargs):
456 # Exit only on last block
457 if len(data) < arvados.config.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE:
458 # Simulate a checkpoint before quitting.
459 self.writer._update()
460 raise SystemExit("Simulated error")
461 return self.arvfile_write(*args, **kwargs)
463 with mock.patch('arvados.arvfile.ArvadosFileWriter.write',
464 autospec=True) as mocked_write:
465 mocked_write.side_effect = wrapped_write
466 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
467 replication_desired=1)
468 # We'll be accessing from inside the wrapper
470 with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
471 writer.start(save_collection=False)
472 # Confirm that the file was partially uploaded
473 self.assertGreater(writer.bytes_written, 0)
474 self.assertLess(writer.bytes_written,
475 os.path.getsize(self.large_file_name))
476 # Retry the upload, this time without resume
477 writer2 = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
478 replication_desired=1,
480 writer2.start(save_collection=False)
481 self.assertEqual(writer2.bytes_skipped, 0)
482 self.assertEqual(writer2.bytes_written,
483 os.path.getsize(self.large_file_name))
484 writer2.destroy_cache()
487 def test_no_resume_when_no_cache(self):
488 def wrapped_write(*args, **kwargs):
490 # Exit only on last block
491 if len(data) < arvados.config.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE:
492 # Simulate a checkpoint before quitting.
493 self.writer._update()
494 raise SystemExit("Simulated error")
495 return self.arvfile_write(*args, **kwargs)
497 with mock.patch('arvados.arvfile.ArvadosFileWriter.write',
498 autospec=True) as mocked_write:
499 mocked_write.side_effect = wrapped_write
500 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
501 replication_desired=1)
502 # We'll be accessing from inside the wrapper
504 with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
505 writer.start(save_collection=False)
506 # Confirm that the file was partially uploaded
507 self.assertGreater(writer.bytes_written, 0)
508 self.assertLess(writer.bytes_written,
509 os.path.getsize(self.large_file_name))
510 # Retry the upload, this time without cache usage
511 writer2 = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
512 replication_desired=1,
515 writer2.start(save_collection=False)
516 self.assertEqual(writer2.bytes_skipped, 0)
517 self.assertEqual(writer2.bytes_written,
518 os.path.getsize(self.large_file_name))
519 writer2.destroy_cache()
522 def test_dry_run_feature(self):
523 def wrapped_write(*args, **kwargs):
525 # Exit only on last block
526 if len(data) < arvados.config.KEEP_BLOCK_SIZE:
527 # Simulate a checkpoint before quitting.
528 self.writer._update()
529 raise SystemExit("Simulated error")
530 return self.arvfile_write(*args, **kwargs)
532 with mock.patch('arvados.arvfile.ArvadosFileWriter.write',
533 autospec=True) as mocked_write:
534 mocked_write.side_effect = wrapped_write
535 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
536 replication_desired=1)
537 # We'll be accessing from inside the wrapper
539 with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
540 writer.start(save_collection=False)
541 # Confirm that the file was partially uploaded
542 self.assertGreater(writer.bytes_written, 0)
543 self.assertLess(writer.bytes_written,
544 os.path.getsize(self.large_file_name))
545 with self.assertRaises(arv_put.ArvPutUploadIsPending):
546 # Retry the upload using dry_run to check if there is a pending upload
547 writer2 = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
548 replication_desired=1,
550 # Complete the pending upload
551 writer3 = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
552 replication_desired=1)
553 writer3.start(save_collection=False)
554 with self.assertRaises(arv_put.ArvPutUploadNotPending):
555 # Confirm there's no pending upload with dry_run=True
556 writer4 = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
557 replication_desired=1,
560 with self.assertRaises(arv_put.ArvPutUploadIsPending):
561 arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
562 replication_desired=1,
566 with self.assertRaises(arv_put.ArvPutUploadIsPending):
567 arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([self.large_file_name],
568 replication_desired=1,
573 class CachedManifestValidationTest(ArvadosBaseTestCase):
574 class MockedPut(arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob):
575 def __init__(self, cached_manifest=None):
576 self._state = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob.EMPTY_STATE
577 self._state['manifest'] = cached_manifest
578 self._api_client = mock.MagicMock()
579 self.logger = mock.MagicMock()
582 def datetime_to_hex(self, dt):
583 return hex(int(time.mktime(dt.timetuple())))[2:]
586 super(CachedManifestValidationTest, self).setUp()
587 self.block1 = "fdba98970961edb29f88241b9d99d890" # foo
588 self.block2 = "37b51d194a7513e45b56f6524f2d51f2" # bar
589 self.template = ". "+self.block1+"+3+Asignature@%s "+self.block2+"+3+Anothersignature@%s 0:3:foofile.txt 3:6:barfile.txt\n"
591 def test_empty_cached_manifest_is_valid(self):
592 put_mock = self.MockedPut()
593 self.assertEqual(None, put_mock._state.get('manifest'))
594 self.assertTrue(put_mock._cached_manifest_valid())
595 put_mock._state['manifest'] = ''
596 self.assertTrue(put_mock._cached_manifest_valid())
598 def test_signature_cases(self):
599 now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
600 yesterday = now - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
601 lastweek = now - datetime.timedelta(days=7)
602 tomorrow = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
603 nextweek = now + datetime.timedelta(days=7)
605 def mocked_head(blocks={}, loc=None):
606 blk = loc.split('+', 1)[0]
609 raise arvados.errors.KeepRequestError("mocked error - block invalid")
611 # Block1_expiration, Block2_expiration, Block1_HEAD, Block2_HEAD, Expectation
613 # All expired, reset cache - OK
614 (yesterday, lastweek, False, False, True),
615 (lastweek, yesterday, False, False, True),
616 # All non-expired valid blocks - OK
617 (tomorrow, nextweek, True, True, True),
618 (nextweek, tomorrow, True, True, True),
619 # All non-expired invalid blocks - Not OK
620 (tomorrow, nextweek, False, False, False),
621 (nextweek, tomorrow, False, False, False),
622 # One non-expired valid block - OK
623 (tomorrow, yesterday, True, False, True),
624 (yesterday, tomorrow, False, True, True),
625 # One non-expired invalid block - Not OK
626 (tomorrow, yesterday, False, False, False),
627 (yesterday, tomorrow, False, False, False),
630 b1_expiration, b2_expiration, b1_valid, b2_valid, outcome = case
632 self.block1: b1_valid,
633 self.block2: b2_valid,
635 cached_manifest = self.template % (
636 self.datetime_to_hex(b1_expiration),
637 self.datetime_to_hex(b2_expiration),
639 arvput = self.MockedPut(cached_manifest)
640 with mock.patch('arvados.collection.KeepClient.head') as head_mock:
641 head_mock.side_effect = partial(mocked_head, head_responses)
642 self.assertEqual(outcome, arvput._cached_manifest_valid(),
643 "Case '%s' should have produced outcome '%s'" % (case, outcome)
645 if b1_expiration > now or b2_expiration > now:
646 # A HEAD request should have been done
647 head_mock.assert_called_once()
649 head_mock.assert_not_called()
652 class ArvadosExpectedBytesTest(ArvadosBaseTestCase):
653 TEST_SIZE = os.path.getsize(__file__)
655 def test_expected_bytes_for_file(self):
656 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([__file__])
657 self.assertEqual(self.TEST_SIZE,
658 writer.bytes_expected)
660 def test_expected_bytes_for_tree(self):
661 tree = self.make_tmpdir()
662 shutil.copyfile(__file__, os.path.join(tree, 'one'))
663 shutil.copyfile(__file__, os.path.join(tree, 'two'))
665 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([tree])
666 self.assertEqual(self.TEST_SIZE * 2,
667 writer.bytes_expected)
668 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([tree, __file__])
669 self.assertEqual(self.TEST_SIZE * 3,
670 writer.bytes_expected)
672 def test_expected_bytes_for_device(self):
673 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob(['/dev/null'], use_cache=False, resume=False)
674 self.assertIsNone(writer.bytes_expected)
675 writer = arv_put.ArvPutUploadJob([__file__, '/dev/null'])
676 self.assertIsNone(writer.bytes_expected)
679 class ArvadosPutReportTest(ArvadosBaseTestCase):
680 def test_machine_progress(self):
681 for count, total in [(0, 1), (0, None), (1, None), (235, 9283)]:
682 expect = ": {} written {} total\n".format(
683 count, -1 if (total is None) else total)
685 arv_put.machine_progress(count, total).endswith(expect))
687 def test_known_human_progress(self):
688 for count, total in [(0, 1), (2, 4), (45, 60)]:
689 expect = '{:.1%}'.format(1.0*count/total)
690 actual = arv_put.human_progress(count, total)
691 self.assertTrue(actual.startswith('\r'))
692 self.assertIn(expect, actual)
694 def test_unknown_human_progress(self):
695 for count in [1, 20, 300, 4000, 50000]:
696 self.assertTrue(re.search(r'\b{}\b'.format(count),
697 arv_put.human_progress(count, None)))
700 class ArvPutLogFormatterTest(ArvadosBaseTestCase):
701 matcher = r'\(X-Request-Id: req-[a-z0-9]{20}\)'
704 super(ArvPutLogFormatterTest, self).setUp()
705 self.stderr = tutil.StringIO()
706 self.loggingHandler = logging.StreamHandler(self.stderr)
707 self.loggingHandler.setFormatter(
708 arv_put.ArvPutLogFormatter(arvados.util.new_request_id()))
709 self.logger = logging.getLogger()
710 self.logger.addHandler(self.loggingHandler)
711 self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
714 self.logger.removeHandler(self.loggingHandler)
717 super(ArvPutLogFormatterTest, self).tearDown()
719 def test_request_id_logged_only_once_on_error(self):
720 self.logger.error('Ooops, something bad happened.')
721 self.logger.error('Another bad thing just happened.')
722 log_lines = self.stderr.getvalue().split('\n')[:-1]
723 self.assertEqual(2, len(log_lines))
724 self.assertRegex(log_lines[0], self.matcher)
725 self.assertNotRegex(log_lines[1], self.matcher)
727 def test_request_id_logged_only_once_on_debug(self):
728 self.logger.debug('This is just a debug message.')
729 self.logger.debug('Another message, move along.')
730 log_lines = self.stderr.getvalue().split('\n')[:-1]
731 self.assertEqual(2, len(log_lines))
732 self.assertRegex(log_lines[0], self.matcher)
733 self.assertNotRegex(log_lines[1], self.matcher)
735 def test_request_id_not_logged_on_info(self):
736 self.logger.info('This should be a useful message')
737 log_lines = self.stderr.getvalue().split('\n')[:-1]
738 self.assertEqual(1, len(log_lines))
739 self.assertNotRegex(log_lines[0], self.matcher)
741 class ArvadosPutTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers,
743 tutil.VersionChecker):
745 Z_UUID = 'zzzzz-zzzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'
747 def call_main_with_args(self, args):
748 self.main_stdout.seek(0, 0)
749 self.main_stdout.truncate(0)
750 self.main_stderr.seek(0, 0)
751 self.main_stderr.truncate(0)
752 return arv_put.main(args, self.main_stdout, self.main_stderr)
754 def call_main_on_test_file(self, args=[]):
755 with self.make_test_file() as testfile:
757 self.call_main_with_args(['--stream', '--no-progress'] + args + [path])
759 os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.environ['KEEP_LOCAL_STORE'],
760 '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6')),
761 "did not find file stream in Keep store")
764 super(ArvadosPutTest, self).setUp()
765 run_test_server.authorize_with('active')
766 arv_put.api_client = None
767 self.main_stdout = tutil.StringIO()
768 self.main_stderr = tutil.StringIO()
769 self.loggingHandler = logging.StreamHandler(self.main_stderr)
770 self.loggingHandler.setFormatter(
771 arv_put.ArvPutLogFormatter(arvados.util.new_request_id()))
772 logging.getLogger().addHandler(self.loggingHandler)
775 logging.getLogger().removeHandler(self.loggingHandler)
776 for outbuf in ['main_stdout', 'main_stderr']:
777 if hasattr(self, outbuf):
778 getattr(self, outbuf).close()
779 delattr(self, outbuf)
780 super(ArvadosPutTest, self).tearDown()
782 def test_version_argument(self):
783 with tutil.redirected_streams(
784 stdout=tutil.StringIO, stderr=tutil.StringIO) as (out, err):
785 with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
786 self.call_main_with_args(['--version'])
787 self.assertVersionOutput(out, err)
789 def test_simple_file_put(self):
790 self.call_main_on_test_file()
792 def test_put_with_unwriteable_cache_dir(self):
793 orig_cachedir = arv_put.ResumeCache.CACHE_DIR
794 cachedir = self.make_tmpdir()
795 os.chmod(cachedir, 0o0)
796 arv_put.ResumeCache.CACHE_DIR = cachedir
798 self.call_main_on_test_file()
800 arv_put.ResumeCache.CACHE_DIR = orig_cachedir
801 os.chmod(cachedir, 0o700)
803 def test_put_with_unwritable_cache_subdir(self):
804 orig_cachedir = arv_put.ResumeCache.CACHE_DIR
805 cachedir = self.make_tmpdir()
806 os.chmod(cachedir, 0o0)
807 arv_put.ResumeCache.CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(cachedir, 'cachedir')
809 self.call_main_on_test_file()
811 arv_put.ResumeCache.CACHE_DIR = orig_cachedir
812 os.chmod(cachedir, 0o700)
814 def test_put_block_replication(self):
815 self.call_main_on_test_file()
816 arv_put.api_client = None
817 with mock.patch('arvados.collection.KeepClient.local_store_put') as put_mock:
818 put_mock.return_value = 'acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8+3'
819 self.call_main_on_test_file(['--replication', '1'])
820 self.call_main_on_test_file(['--replication', '4'])
821 self.call_main_on_test_file(['--replication', '5'])
823 [x[-1].get('copies') for x in put_mock.call_args_list],
826 def test_normalize(self):
827 testfile1 = self.make_test_file()
828 testfile2 = self.make_test_file()
829 test_paths = [testfile1.name, testfile2.name]
830 # Reverse-sort the paths, so normalization must change their order.
831 test_paths.sort(reverse=True)
832 self.call_main_with_args(['--stream', '--no-progress', '--normalize'] +
834 manifest = self.main_stdout.getvalue()
835 # Assert the second file we specified appears first in the manifest.
836 file_indices = [manifest.find(':' + os.path.basename(path))
837 for path in test_paths]
838 self.assertGreater(*file_indices)
840 def test_error_name_without_collection(self):
841 self.assertRaises(SystemExit, self.call_main_with_args,
842 ['--name', 'test without Collection',
843 '--stream', '/dev/null'])
845 def test_error_when_project_not_found(self):
846 self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
847 self.call_main_with_args,
848 ['--project-uuid', self.Z_UUID])
850 def test_error_bad_project_uuid(self):
851 self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
852 self.call_main_with_args,
853 ['--project-uuid', self.Z_UUID, '--stream'])
855 def test_error_when_excluding_absolute_path(self):
856 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
857 self.assertRaises(SystemExit,
858 self.call_main_with_args,
859 ['--exclude', '/some/absolute/path/*',
862 def test_api_error_handling(self):
863 coll_save_mock = mock.Mock(name='arv.collection.Collection().save_new()')
864 coll_save_mock.side_effect = arvados.errors.ApiError(
865 fake_httplib2_response(403), b'{}')
866 with mock.patch('arvados.collection.Collection.save_new',
868 with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as exc_test:
869 self.call_main_with_args(['/dev/null'])
870 self.assertLess(0, exc_test.exception.args[0])
871 self.assertLess(0, coll_save_mock.call_count)
872 self.assertEqual("", self.main_stdout.getvalue())
874 def test_request_id_logging_on_error(self):
875 matcher = r'\(X-Request-Id: req-[a-z0-9]{20}\)\n'
876 coll_save_mock = mock.Mock(name='arv.collection.Collection().save_new()')
877 coll_save_mock.side_effect = arvados.errors.ApiError(
878 fake_httplib2_response(403), b'{}')
879 with mock.patch('arvados.collection.Collection.save_new',
881 with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
882 self.call_main_with_args(['/dev/null'])
884 self.main_stderr.getvalue(), matcher)
887 class ArvPutIntegrationTest(run_test_server.TestCaseWithServers,
888 ArvadosBaseTestCase):
890 KEEP_SERVER = {'blob_signing': True}
891 PROJECT_UUID = run_test_server.fixture('groups')['aproject']['uuid']
895 super(ArvPutIntegrationTest, cls).setUpClass()
896 cls.ENVIRON = os.environ.copy()
897 cls.ENVIRON['PYTHONPATH'] = ':'.join(sys.path)
899 def datetime_to_hex(self, dt):
900 return hex(int(time.mktime(dt.timetuple())))[2:]
903 super(ArvPutIntegrationTest, self).setUp()
904 arv_put.api_client = None
906 def authorize_with(self, token_name):
907 run_test_server.authorize_with(token_name)
908 for v in ["ARVADOS_API_HOST",
911 self.ENVIRON[v] = arvados.config.settings()[v]
912 arv_put.api_client = arvados.api('v1')
914 def current_user(self):
915 return arv_put.api_client.users().current().execute()
917 def test_check_real_project_found(self):
918 self.authorize_with('active')
919 self.assertTrue(arv_put.desired_project_uuid(arv_put.api_client, self.PROJECT_UUID, 0),
920 "did not correctly find test fixture project")
922 def test_check_error_finding_nonexistent_uuid(self):
923 BAD_UUID = 'zzzzz-zzzzz-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'
924 self.authorize_with('active')
926 result = arv_put.desired_project_uuid(arv_put.api_client, BAD_UUID,
928 except ValueError as error:
929 self.assertIn(BAD_UUID, str(error))
931 self.assertFalse(result, "incorrectly found nonexistent project")
933 def test_check_error_finding_nonexistent_project(self):
934 BAD_UUID = 'zzzzz-tpzed-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'
935 self.authorize_with('active')
936 with self.assertRaises(apiclient.errors.HttpError):
937 arv_put.desired_project_uuid(arv_put.api_client, BAD_UUID,
940 def test_short_put_from_stdin(self):
941 # Have to run this as an integration test since arv-put can't
942 # read from the tests' stdin.
943 # arv-put usually can't stat(os.path.realpath('/dev/stdin')) in this
944 # case, because the /proc entry is already gone by the time it tries.
945 pipe = subprocess.Popen(
946 [sys.executable, arv_put.__file__, '--stream'],
947 stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
948 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=self.ENVIRON)
949 pipe.stdin.write(b'stdin test\xa6\n')
951 deadline = time.time() + 5
952 while (pipe.poll() is None) and (time.time() < deadline):
954 returncode = pipe.poll()
955 if returncode is None:
957 self.fail("arv-put did not PUT from stdin within 5 seconds")
958 elif returncode != 0:
959 sys.stdout.write(pipe.stdout.read())
960 self.fail("arv-put returned exit code {}".format(returncode))
961 self.assertIn('1cb671b355a0c23d5d1c61d59cdb1b2b+12',
962 pipe.stdout.read().decode())
964 def test_sigint_logs_request_id(self):
965 # Start arv-put, give it a chance to start up, send SIGINT,
966 # and check that its output includes the X-Request-Id.
967 input_stream = subprocess.Popen(
969 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
970 pipe = subprocess.Popen(
971 [sys.executable, arv_put.__file__, '--stream'],
972 stdin=input_stream.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
973 stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=self.ENVIRON)
974 # Wait for arv-put child process to print something (i.e., a
975 # log message) so we know its signal handler is installed.
976 select.select([pipe.stdout], [], [], 10)
977 pipe.send_signal(signal.SIGINT)
978 deadline = time.time() + 5
979 while (pipe.poll() is None) and (time.time() < deadline):
981 returncode = pipe.poll()
982 input_stream.terminate()
983 if returncode is None:
985 self.fail("arv-put did not exit within 5 seconds")
986 self.assertRegex(pipe.stdout.read().decode(), r'\(X-Request-Id: req-[a-z0-9]{20}\)')
988 def test_ArvPutSignedManifest(self):
989 # ArvPutSignedManifest runs "arv-put foo" and then attempts to get
990 # the newly created manifest from the API server, testing to confirm
991 # that the block locators in the returned manifest are signed.
992 self.authorize_with('active')
994 # Before doing anything, demonstrate that the collection
995 # we're about to create is not present in our test fixture.
996 manifest_uuid = "00b4e9f40ac4dd432ef89749f1c01e74+47"
997 with self.assertRaises(apiclient.errors.HttpError):
998 arv_put.api_client.collections().get(
999 uuid=manifest_uuid).execute()
1001 datadir = self.make_tmpdir()
1002 with open(os.path.join(datadir, "foo"), "w") as f:
1003 f.write("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog")
1004 p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arv_put.__file__,
1005 os.path.join(datadir, 'foo')],
1006 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1007 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
1009 (_, err) = p.communicate()
1010 self.assertRegex(err.decode(), r'INFO: Collection saved as ')
1011 self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0)
1013 # The manifest text stored in the API server under the same
1014 # manifest UUID must use signed locators.
1015 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=manifest_uuid).execute()
1018 r'^\. 08a008a01d498c404b0c30852b39d3b8\+44\+A[0-9a-f]+@[0-9a-f]+ 0:44:foo\n')
1020 os.remove(os.path.join(datadir, "foo"))
1023 def run_and_find_collection(self, text, extra_args=[]):
1024 self.authorize_with('active')
1025 pipe = subprocess.Popen(
1026 [sys.executable, arv_put.__file__] + extra_args,
1027 stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1028 stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.ENVIRON)
1029 stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate(text.encode())
1030 self.assertRegex(stderr.decode(), r'INFO: Collection (updated:|saved as)')
1031 search_key = ('portable_data_hash'
1032 if '--portable-data-hash' in extra_args else 'uuid')
1033 collection_list = arvados.api('v1').collections().list(
1034 filters=[[search_key, '=', stdout.decode().strip()]]
1035 ).execute().get('items', [])
1036 self.assertEqual(1, len(collection_list))
1037 return collection_list[0]
1039 def test_all_expired_signatures_invalidates_cache(self):
1040 self.authorize_with('active')
1041 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1042 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'somefile.txt'), 'w') as f:
1044 # Upload a directory and get the cache file name
1045 p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arv_put.__file__, tmpdir],
1046 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1047 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
1049 (_, err) = p.communicate()
1050 self.assertRegex(err.decode(), r'INFO: Creating new cache file at ')
1051 self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0)
1052 cache_filepath = re.search(r'INFO: Creating new cache file at (.*)',
1053 err.decode()).groups()[0]
1054 self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(cache_filepath))
1055 # Load the cache file contents and modify the manifest to simulate
1056 # an expired access token
1057 with open(cache_filepath, 'r') as c:
1058 cache = json.load(c)
1059 self.assertRegex(cache['manifest'], r'\+A\S+\@')
1060 a_month_ago = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
1061 cache['manifest'] = re.sub(
1063 "@{} ".format(self.datetime_to_hex(a_month_ago)),
1065 with open(cache_filepath, 'w') as c:
1066 c.write(json.dumps(cache))
1067 # Re-run the upload and expect to get an invalid cache message
1068 p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arv_put.__file__, tmpdir],
1069 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1070 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
1072 (_, err) = p.communicate()
1075 r'INFO: Cache expired, starting from scratch.*')
1076 self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0)
1078 def test_invalid_signature_in_cache(self):
1079 for batch_mode in [False, True]:
1080 self.authorize_with('active')
1081 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1082 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'somefile.txt'), 'w') as f:
1084 # Upload a directory and get the cache file name
1085 arv_put_args = [tmpdir]
1087 arv_put_args = ['--batch'] + arv_put_args
1088 p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arv_put.__file__] + arv_put_args,
1089 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1090 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
1092 (_, err) = p.communicate()
1093 self.assertRegex(err.decode(), r'INFO: Creating new cache file at ')
1094 self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0)
1095 cache_filepath = re.search(r'INFO: Creating new cache file at (.*)',
1096 err.decode()).groups()[0]
1097 self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(cache_filepath))
1098 # Load the cache file contents and modify the manifest to simulate
1099 # an invalid access token
1100 with open(cache_filepath, 'r') as c:
1101 cache = json.load(c)
1102 self.assertRegex(cache['manifest'], r'\+A\S+\@')
1103 cache['manifest'] = re.sub(
1105 "+Aabcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01@",
1107 with open(cache_filepath, 'w') as c:
1108 c.write(json.dumps(cache))
1109 # Re-run the upload and expect to get an invalid cache message
1110 p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arv_put.__file__] + arv_put_args,
1111 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1112 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
1114 (_, err) = p.communicate()
1118 r'ERROR: arv-put: Resume cache contains invalid signature.*')
1119 self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 1)
1123 r'Invalid signatures on cache file \'.*\' while being run in \'batch mode\' -- continuing anyways.*')
1124 self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0)
1126 def test_single_expired_signature_reuploads_file(self):
1127 self.authorize_with('active')
1128 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1129 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'foofile.txt'), 'w') as f:
1131 # Write a second file on its own subdir to force a new stream
1132 os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'bar'))
1133 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'bar', 'barfile.txt'), 'w') as f:
1135 # Upload a directory and get the cache file name
1136 p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arv_put.__file__, tmpdir],
1137 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1138 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
1140 (_, err) = p.communicate()
1141 self.assertRegex(err.decode(), r'INFO: Creating new cache file at ')
1142 self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0)
1143 cache_filepath = re.search(r'INFO: Creating new cache file at (.*)',
1144 err.decode()).groups()[0]
1145 self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(cache_filepath))
1146 # Load the cache file contents and modify the manifest to simulate
1147 # an expired access token
1148 with open(cache_filepath, 'r') as c:
1149 cache = json.load(c)
1150 self.assertRegex(cache['manifest'], r'\+A\S+\@')
1151 a_month_ago = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=30)
1152 # Make one of the signatures appear to have expired
1153 cache['manifest'] = re.sub(
1154 r'\@.*? 3:3:barfile.txt',
1155 "@{} 3:3:barfile.txt".format(self.datetime_to_hex(a_month_ago)),
1157 with open(cache_filepath, 'w') as c:
1158 c.write(json.dumps(cache))
1159 # Re-run the upload and expect to get an invalid cache message
1160 p = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, arv_put.__file__, tmpdir],
1161 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1162 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
1164 (_, err) = p.communicate()
1167 r'WARNING: Uploaded file \'.*barfile.txt\' access token expired, will re-upload it from scratch')
1168 self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0)
1169 # Confirm that the resulting cache is different from the last run.
1170 with open(cache_filepath, 'r') as c2:
1171 new_cache = json.load(c2)
1172 self.assertNotEqual(cache['manifest'], new_cache['manifest'])
1174 def test_put_collection_with_later_update(self):
1175 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1176 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1'), 'w') as f:
1177 f.write('Relaxing in basins at the end of inlets terminates the endless tests from the box')
1178 col = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--no-progress', tmpdir])
1179 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1180 # Add a new file to the directory
1181 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file2'), 'w') as f:
1182 f.write('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog')
1183 updated_col = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--no-progress', '--update-collection', col['uuid'], tmpdir])
1184 self.assertEqual(col['uuid'], updated_col['uuid'])
1185 # Get the manifest and check that the new file is being included
1186 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=updated_col['uuid']).execute()
1187 self.assertRegex(c['manifest_text'], r'^\..* .*:44:file2\n')
1189 def test_put_collection_with_utc_expiring_datetime(self):
1190 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1191 trash_at = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=90)).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%MZ')
1192 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1'), 'w') as f:
1193 f.write('Relaxing in basins at the end of inlets terminates the endless tests from the box')
1194 col = self.run_and_find_collection(
1196 ['--no-progress', '--trash-at', trash_at, tmpdir])
1197 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1198 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1199 self.assertEqual(ciso8601.parse_datetime(trash_at),
1200 ciso8601.parse_datetime(c['trash_at']))
1202 def test_put_collection_with_timezone_aware_expiring_datetime(self):
1203 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1204 trash_at = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=90)).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M-0300')
1205 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1'), 'w') as f:
1206 f.write('Relaxing in basins at the end of inlets terminates the endless tests from the box')
1207 col = self.run_and_find_collection(
1209 ['--no-progress', '--trash-at', trash_at, tmpdir])
1210 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1211 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1213 ciso8601.parse_datetime(trash_at).replace(tzinfo=None) + datetime.timedelta(hours=3),
1214 ciso8601.parse_datetime(c['trash_at']).replace(tzinfo=None))
1216 def test_put_collection_with_timezone_naive_expiring_datetime(self):
1217 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1218 trash_at = (datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=90)).strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M')
1219 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1'), 'w') as f:
1220 f.write('Relaxing in basins at the end of inlets terminates the endless tests from the box')
1221 col = self.run_and_find_collection(
1223 ['--no-progress', '--trash-at', trash_at, tmpdir])
1224 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1225 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1227 offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.altzone)
1229 offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone)
1231 ciso8601.parse_datetime(trash_at) + offset,
1232 ciso8601.parse_datetime(c['trash_at']).replace(tzinfo=None))
1234 def test_put_collection_with_expiring_date_only(self):
1235 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1236 trash_at = '2140-01-01'
1237 end_of_day = datetime.timedelta(hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59)
1238 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1'), 'w') as f:
1239 f.write('Relaxing in basins at the end of inlets terminates the endless tests from the box')
1240 col = self.run_and_find_collection(
1242 ['--no-progress', '--trash-at', trash_at, tmpdir])
1243 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1244 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1246 offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.altzone)
1248 offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=time.timezone)
1250 ciso8601.parse_datetime(trash_at) + end_of_day + offset,
1251 ciso8601.parse_datetime(c['trash_at']).replace(tzinfo=None))
1253 def test_put_collection_with_invalid_absolute_expiring_datetimes(self):
1254 cases = ['2100', '210010','2100-10', '2100-Oct']
1255 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1256 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1'), 'w') as f:
1257 f.write('Relaxing in basins at the end of inlets terminates the endless tests from the box')
1258 for test_datetime in cases:
1259 with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
1260 self.run_and_find_collection(
1262 ['--no-progress', '--trash-at', test_datetime, tmpdir])
1264 def test_put_collection_with_relative_expiring_datetime(self):
1266 dt_before = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=expire_after)
1267 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1268 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1'), 'w') as f:
1269 f.write('Relaxing in basins at the end of inlets terminates the endless tests from the box')
1270 col = self.run_and_find_collection(
1272 ['--no-progress', '--trash-after', str(expire_after), tmpdir])
1273 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1274 dt_after = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=expire_after)
1275 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1276 trash_at = ciso8601.parse_datetime(c['trash_at']).replace(tzinfo=None)
1277 self.assertTrue(dt_before < trash_at)
1278 self.assertTrue(dt_after > trash_at)
1280 def test_put_collection_with_invalid_relative_expiring_datetime(self):
1281 expire_after = 0 # Must be >= 1
1282 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1283 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'file1'), 'w') as f:
1284 f.write('Relaxing in basins at the end of inlets terminates the endless tests from the box')
1285 with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
1286 self.run_and_find_collection(
1288 ['--no-progress', '--trash-after', str(expire_after), tmpdir])
1290 def test_upload_directory_reference_without_trailing_slash(self):
1291 tmpdir1 = self.make_tmpdir()
1292 tmpdir2 = self.make_tmpdir()
1293 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir1, 'foo'), 'w') as f:
1294 f.write('This is foo')
1295 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir2, 'bar'), 'w') as f:
1296 f.write('This is not foo')
1297 # Upload one directory and one file
1298 col = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--no-progress',
1300 os.path.join(tmpdir2, 'bar')])
1301 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1302 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1303 # Check that 'foo' was written inside a subcollection
1304 # OTOH, 'bar' should have been directly uploaded on the root collection
1305 self.assertRegex(c['manifest_text'], r'^\. .*:15:bar\n\./.+ .*:11:foo\n')
1307 def test_upload_directory_reference_with_trailing_slash(self):
1308 tmpdir1 = self.make_tmpdir()
1309 tmpdir2 = self.make_tmpdir()
1310 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir1, 'foo'), 'w') as f:
1311 f.write('This is foo')
1312 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir2, 'bar'), 'w') as f:
1313 f.write('This is not foo')
1314 # Upload one directory (with trailing slash) and one file
1315 col = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--no-progress',
1317 os.path.join(tmpdir2, 'bar')])
1318 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1319 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1320 # Check that 'foo' and 'bar' were written at the same level
1321 self.assertRegex(c['manifest_text'], r'^\. .*:15:bar .*:11:foo\n')
1323 def test_put_collection_with_high_redundancy(self):
1324 # Write empty data: we're not testing CollectionWriter, just
1325 # making sure collections.create tells the API server what our
1326 # desired replication level is.
1327 collection = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--replication', '4'])
1328 self.assertEqual(4, collection['replication_desired'])
1330 def test_put_collection_with_default_redundancy(self):
1331 collection = self.run_and_find_collection("")
1332 self.assertEqual(None, collection['replication_desired'])
1334 def test_put_collection_with_unnamed_project_link(self):
1335 link = self.run_and_find_collection(
1336 "Test unnamed collection",
1337 ['--portable-data-hash', '--project-uuid', self.PROJECT_UUID])
1338 username = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
1341 r'^Saved at .* by {}@'.format(re.escape(username)))
1343 def test_put_collection_with_name_and_no_project(self):
1344 link_name = 'Test Collection Link in home project'
1345 collection = self.run_and_find_collection(
1346 "Test named collection in home project",
1347 ['--portable-data-hash', '--name', link_name])
1348 self.assertEqual(link_name, collection['name'])
1349 my_user_uuid = self.current_user()['uuid']
1350 self.assertEqual(my_user_uuid, collection['owner_uuid'])
1352 def test_put_collection_with_named_project_link(self):
1353 link_name = 'Test auto Collection Link'
1354 collection = self.run_and_find_collection("Test named collection",
1355 ['--portable-data-hash',
1356 '--name', link_name,
1357 '--project-uuid', self.PROJECT_UUID])
1358 self.assertEqual(link_name, collection['name'])
1360 def test_put_collection_with_storage_classes_specified(self):
1361 collection = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--storage-classes', 'hot'])
1362 self.assertEqual(len(collection['storage_classes_desired']), 1)
1363 self.assertEqual(collection['storage_classes_desired'][0], 'hot')
1365 def test_put_collection_with_multiple_storage_classes_specified(self):
1366 collection = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--storage-classes', ' foo, bar ,baz'])
1367 self.assertEqual(len(collection['storage_classes_desired']), 3)
1368 self.assertEqual(collection['storage_classes_desired'], ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
1370 def test_put_collection_without_storage_classes_specified(self):
1371 collection = self.run_and_find_collection("")
1372 self.assertEqual(len(collection['storage_classes_desired']), 1)
1373 self.assertEqual(collection['storage_classes_desired'][0], 'default')
1375 def test_exclude_filename_pattern(self):
1376 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1377 tmpsubdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'subdir')
1379 for fname in ['file1', 'file2', 'file3']:
1380 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "%s.txt" % fname), 'w') as f:
1381 f.write("This is %s" % fname)
1382 with open(os.path.join(tmpsubdir, "%s.txt" % fname), 'w') as f:
1383 f.write("This is %s" % fname)
1384 col = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--no-progress',
1385 '--exclude', '*2.txt',
1386 '--exclude', 'file3.*',
1388 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1389 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1390 # None of the file2.txt & file3.txt should have been uploaded
1391 self.assertRegex(c['manifest_text'], r'^.*:file1.txt')
1392 self.assertNotRegex(c['manifest_text'], r'^.*:file2.txt')
1393 self.assertNotRegex(c['manifest_text'], r'^.*:file3.txt')
1395 def test_exclude_filepath_pattern(self):
1396 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1397 tmpsubdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'subdir')
1399 for fname in ['file1', 'file2', 'file3']:
1400 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "%s.txt" % fname), 'w') as f:
1401 f.write("This is %s" % fname)
1402 with open(os.path.join(tmpsubdir, "%s.txt" % fname), 'w') as f:
1403 f.write("This is %s" % fname)
1404 col = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--no-progress',
1405 '--exclude', 'subdir/*2.txt',
1406 '--exclude', './file1.*',
1408 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1409 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1410 # Only tmpdir/file1.txt & tmpdir/subdir/file2.txt should have been excluded
1411 self.assertNotRegex(c['manifest_text'],
1412 r'^\./%s.*:file1.txt' % os.path.basename(tmpdir))
1413 self.assertNotRegex(c['manifest_text'],
1414 r'^\./%s/subdir.*:file2.txt' % os.path.basename(tmpdir))
1415 self.assertRegex(c['manifest_text'],
1416 r'^\./%s.*:file2.txt' % os.path.basename(tmpdir))
1417 self.assertRegex(c['manifest_text'], r'^.*:file3.txt')
1419 def test_unicode_on_filename(self):
1420 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1421 fname = u"i❤arvados.txt"
1422 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, fname), 'w') as f:
1423 f.write("This is a unicode named file")
1424 col = self.run_and_find_collection("", ['--no-progress', tmpdir])
1425 self.assertNotEqual(None, col['uuid'])
1426 c = arv_put.api_client.collections().get(uuid=col['uuid']).execute()
1427 self.assertTrue(fname in c['manifest_text'], u"{} does not include {}".format(c['manifest_text'], fname))
1429 def test_silent_mode_no_errors(self):
1430 self.authorize_with('active')
1431 tmpdir = self.make_tmpdir()
1432 with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'test.txt'), 'w') as f:
1433 f.write('hello world')
1434 pipe = subprocess.Popen(
1435 [sys.executable, arv_put.__file__] + ['--silent', tmpdir],
1436 stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1437 stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.ENVIRON)
1438 stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate()
1439 # No console output should occur on normal operations
1440 self.assertNotRegex(stderr.decode(), r'.+')
1441 self.assertNotRegex(stdout.decode(), r'.+')
1443 def test_silent_mode_does_not_avoid_error_messages(self):
1444 self.authorize_with('active')
1445 pipe = subprocess.Popen(
1446 [sys.executable, arv_put.__file__] + ['--silent',
1447 '/path/not/existant'],
1448 stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
1449 stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.ENVIRON)
1450 stdout, stderr = pipe.communicate()
1451 # Error message should be displayed when errors happen
1452 self.assertRegex(stderr.decode(), r'.*ERROR:.*')
1453 self.assertNotRegex(stdout.decode(), r'.+')
1456 if __name__ == '__main__':