1 <% wu = obj.work_unit(name) %>
3 <% render_log = wu.render_log %>
6 <% log_url = url_for render_log[:log] %>
7 <p> <a href="<%= log_url %>">Download the log</a> </p>
8 <%= render(partial: render_log[:partial], locals: render_log[:locals]) %>
12 <% live_log_lines = wu.live_log_lines(Rails.configuration.running_job_log_records_to_fetch).join("\n") %>
13 <% if !render_log or (live_log_lines.size > 0) %>
14 <%# Still running, or recently finished and logs are still available from logs table %>
15 <%# Show recent logs in terminal window %>
17 <div id="event_log_div"
18 class="arv-log-event-listener arv-log-event-handler-append-logs arv-job-log-window"
19 data-object-uuids="<%= wu.log_object_uuids.join(' ') %>"
20 ><%= live_log_lines %>
23 <%# Applying a long throttle suppresses the auto-refresh of this
24 partial that would normally be triggered by arv-log-event. %>
25 <div class="arv-log-refresh-control"
26 data-load-throttle="86486400000" <%# 1001 nights %>>