Merge branch 'master' into 4926-browser-based-upload
[arvados.git] / apps / workbench / app / assets / javascripts / upload_to_collection.js
1 var app = angular.module('Workbench', ['Arvados']);
2 app.controller('UploadToCollection', UploadToCollection);
3 app.directive('arvUuid', arvUuid);
5 function arvUuid() {
6     // Copy the given uuid into the current $scope.
7     return {
8         restrict: 'A',
9         link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
10             scope.uuid = attributes.arvUuid;
11         }
12     };
13 }
15 UploadToCollection.$inject = ['$scope', '$filter', '$q', '$timeout',
16                               'ArvadosClient', 'arvadosApiToken'];
17 function UploadToCollection($scope, $filter, $q, $timeout,
18                             ArvadosClient, arvadosApiToken) {
19     $.extend($scope, {
20         uploadQueue: [],
21         uploader: new QueueUploader(),
22         addFilesToQueue: function(files) {
23             // Angular binding doesn't work its usual magic for file
24             // inputs, so we need to $scope.$apply() this update.
25             $scope.$apply(function(){
26                 var i, nItemsTodo;
27                 // Add these new files after the items already waiting
28                 // in the queue -- but before the items that are
29                 // 'Done' and have therefore been pushed to the
30                 // bottom.
31                 for (nItemsTodo = 0;
32                      (nItemsTodo < $scope.uploadQueue.length &&
33                       $scope.uploadQueue[nItemsTodo].state !== 'Done'); ) {
34                     nItemsTodo++;
35                 }
36                 for (i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
37                     $scope.uploadQueue.splice(nItemsTodo+i, 0,
38                         new FileUploader(files[i]));
39                 }
40             });
41         },
42         go: function() {
43             $scope.uploader.go();
44         },
45         stop: function() {
46             $scope.uploader.stop();
47         },
48         removeFileFromQueue: function(index) {
49             var wasRunning = $scope.uploader.running;
50             $scope.uploadQueue[index].stop();
51             $scope.uploadQueue.splice(index, 1);
52             if (wasRunning)
53                 $scope.go();
54         },
55         countInStates: function(want_states) {
56             var found = 0;
57             $.each($scope.uploadQueue, function() {
58                 if (want_states.indexOf(this.state) >= 0) {
59                     ++found;
60                 }
61             });
62             return found;
63         }
64     });
65     ////////////////////////////////
67     var keepProxy;
69     function SliceReader(_slice) {
70         var that = this;
71         $.extend(this, {
72             go: go
73         });
74         ////////////////////////////////
75         var _deferred;
76         var _reader;
77         function go() {
78             // Return a promise, which will be resolved with the
79             // requested slice data.
80             _deferred = $.Deferred();
81             _reader = new FileReader();
82             _reader.onload = resolve;
83             _reader.onerror = _deferred.reject;
84             _reader.onprogress = _deferred.notify;
85             _reader.readAsArrayBuffer(_slice.blob);
86             return _deferred.promise();
87         }
88         function resolve() {
89             if (that._reader.result.length !== that._slice.size) {
90                 // Sometimes we get an onload event even if the read
91                 // did not return the desired number of bytes. We
92                 // treat that as a fail.
93                 _deferred.reject(
94                     null, "Read error",
95                     "Short read: wanted " + _slice.size +
96                         ", received " + _reader.result.length);
97                 return;
98             }
99             return _deferred.resolve(_reader.result);
100         }
101     }
103     function SliceUploader(_label, _data, _dataSize) {
104         $.extend(this, {
105             go: go,
106             stop: stop
107         });
108         ////////////////////////////////
109         var that = this;
110         var _deferred;
111         var _failCount = 0;
112         var _failMax = 3;
113         var _jqxhr;
114         function go() {
115             // Send data to the Keep proxy. Retry a few times on
116             // fail. Return a promise that will get resolved with
117             // resolve(locator) when the block is accepted by the
118             // proxy.
119             _deferred = $.Deferred();
120             goSend();
121             return _deferred.promise();
122         }
123         function stop() {
124             _failMax = 0;
125             _jqxhr.abort();
126             _deferred.reject({
127                 textStatus: 'stopped',
128                 err: 'interrupted at slice '+_label
129             });
130         }
131         function goSend() {
132             _jqxhr = $.ajax({
133                 url: proxyUriBase(),
134                 type: 'POST',
135                 crossDomain: true,
136                 headers: {
137                     'Authorization': 'OAuth2 '+arvadosApiToken,
138                     'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
139                     'X-Keep-Desired-Replicas': '2'
140                 },
141                 xhr: function() {
142                     // Make an xhr that reports upload progress
143                     var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
144                     if (xhr.upload) {
145                         xhr.upload.onprogress = onSendProgress;
146                     }
147                     return xhr;
148                 },
149                 processData: false,
150                 data: _data
151             });
152             _jqxhr.then(onSendResolve, onSendReject);
153         }
154         function onSendProgress(xhrProgressEvent) {
155             _deferred.notify(xhrProgressEvent.loaded, _dataSize);
156         }
157         function onSendResolve(data, textStatus, jqxhr) {
158             _deferred.resolve(data, _dataSize);
159         }
160         function onSendReject(xhr, textStatus, err) {
161             if (++_failCount < _failMax) {
162                 // TODO: nice to tell the user that retry is happening.
163                 console.log('slice ' + _label + ': ' +
164                             textStatus + ', retry ' + _failCount);
165                 goSend();
166             } else {
167                 _deferred.reject(
168                     {xhr: xhr, textStatus: textStatus, err: err});
169             }
170         }
171         function proxyUriBase() {
172             return ((keepProxy.service_ssl_flag ? 'https' : 'http') +
173                     '://' + keepProxy.service_host + ':' +
174                     keepProxy.service_port + '/');
175         }
176     }
178     function FileUploader(file) {
179         $.extend(this, {
180             file: file,
181             locators: [],
182             progress: 0.0,
183             state: 'Queued',    // Queued, Uploading, Paused, Uploaded, Done
184             statistics: null,
185             go: go,
186             stop: stop          // User wants to stop.
187         });
188         ////////////////////////////////
189         var that = this;
190         var _currentUploader;
191         var _currentSlice;
192         var _deferred;
193         var _maxBlobSize = Math.pow(2,26);
194         var _bytesDone = 0;
195         var _queueTime =;
196         var _startTime;
197         var _startByte;
198         var _finishTime;
199         var _readPos = 0;       // number of bytes confirmed uploaded
200         function go() {
201             if (_deferred)
202                 _deferred.reject({textStatus: 'restarted'});
203             _deferred = $.Deferred();
204             that.state = 'Uploading';
205             _startTime =;
206             _startByte = _readPos;
207             setProgress();
208             goSlice();
209             return _deferred.promise().always(function() { _deferred = null; });
210         }
211         function stop() {
212             if (_deferred) {
213                 that.state = 'Paused';
214                 _deferred.reject({textStatus: 'stopped', err: 'interrupted'});
215             }
216             if (_currentUploader) {
217                 _currentUploader.stop();
218                 _currentUploader = null;
219             }
220         }
221         function goSlice() {
222             // Ensure this._deferred gets resolved or rejected --
223             // either right here, or when a new promise arranged right
224             // here is fulfilled.
225             _currentSlice = nextSlice();
226             if (!_currentSlice) {
227                 // All slices have been uploaded, but the work won't
228                 // be truly Done until the target collection has been
229                 // updated by the QueueUploader. This state is called:
230                 that.state = 'Uploaded';
231                 setProgress(_readPos);
232                 _currentUploader = null;
233                 _deferred.resolve([that]);
234                 return;
235             }
236             _currentUploader = new SliceUploader(
237                 _readPos.toString(),
238                 _currentSlice.blob,
239                 _currentSlice.size);
240             _currentUploader.go().then(
241                 onUploaderResolve,
242                 onUploaderReject,
243                 onUploaderProgress);
244         }
245         function onUploaderResolve(locator, dataSize) {
246             var sizeHint = (''+locator).split('+')[1];
247             if (!locator || parseInt(sizeHint) !== dataSize) {
248                 console.log("onUploaderResolve, but locator '" + locator +
249                             "' with size hint '" + sizeHint +
250                             "' does not look right for dataSize=" + dataSize);
251                 return onUploaderReject({
252                     textStatus: "error",
253                     err: "Bad response from slice upload"
254                 });
255             }
256             that.locators.push(locator);
257             _readPos += dataSize;
258             _currentUploader = null;
259             goSlice();
260         }
261         function onUploaderReject(reason) {
262             that.state = 'Paused';
263             setProgress(_readPos);
264             _currentUploader = null;
265             if (_deferred)
266                 _deferred.reject(reason);
267         }
268         function onUploaderProgress(sliceDone, sliceSize) {
269             setProgress(_readPos + sliceDone);
270         }
271         function nextSlice() {
272             var size = Math.min(
273                 _maxBlobSize,
274                 that.file.size - _readPos);
275             setProgress(_readPos);
276             if (size === 0) {
277                 return false;
278             }
279             var blob = that.file.slice(
280                 _readPos, _readPos+size,
281                 'application/octet-stream; charset=x-user-defined');
282             return {blob: blob, size: size};
283         }
284         function setProgress(bytesDone) {
285             var kBps;
286             if (that.file.size == 0)
287                 that.progress = 100;
288             else
289                 that.progress = Math.min(100, 100 * bytesDone / that.file.size);
290             if (bytesDone > _startByte) {
291                 kBps = (bytesDone - _startByte) /
292                     ( - _startTime);
293                 that.statistics = (
294                     '' + $filter('number')(bytesDone/1024, '0') + ' KiB ' +
295                         'at ~' + $filter('number')(kBps, '0') + ' KiB/s')
296                 if (that.state === 'Paused') {
297                     that.statistics += ', paused';
298                 } else if (that.state === 'Uploading') {
299                     that.statistics += ', ETA ' +
300                         $filter('date')(
301                             new Date(
302                        + (that.file.size - bytesDone) / kBps),
303                             'shortTime')
304                 }
305             } else {
306                 that.statistics = that.state;
307             }
308             if (that.state === 'Uploaded') {
309                 // 'Uploaded' gets reported as 'finished', which is a
310                 // little misleading because the collection hasn't
311                 // been updated yet. But FileUploader's portion of the
312                 // work (and the time when it makes sense to show
313                 // speed and ETA) is finished.
314                 that.statistics += ', finished ' +
315                     $filter('date')(, 'shortTime');
316                 _finishTime =;
317             }
318             if (_deferred)
319                 _deferred.notify();
320         }
321     }
323     function QueueUploader() {
324         $.extend(this, {
325             state: 'Idle',      // Idle, Running, Stopped, Failed
326             stateReason: null,
327             statusSuccess: null,
328             go: go,
329             stop: stop
330         });
331         ////////////////////////////////
332         var that = this;
333         var _deferred;          // the one we promise to go()'s caller
334         var _deferredAppend;    // tracks current appendToCollection
335         function go() {
336             if (_deferred) return _deferred.promise();
337             if (_deferredAppend) return _deferredAppend.promise();
338             _deferred = $.Deferred();
339             that.state = 'Running';
340             ArvadosClient.apiPromise(
341                 'keep_services', 'list',
342                 {filters: [['service_type','=','proxy']]}).
343                 then(doQueueWithProxy);
344             onQueueProgress();
345             return _deferred.promise().always(function() { _deferred = null; });
346         }
347         function stop() {
348             that.state = 'Stopped';
349             if (_deferred) {
350                 _deferred.reject({});
351             }
352             for (var i=0; i<$scope.uploadQueue.length; i++)
353                 $scope.uploadQueue[i].stop();
354             onQueueProgress();
355         }
356         function doQueueWithProxy(data) {
357             keepProxy = data.items[0];
358             if (!keepProxy) {
359                 that.state = 'Failed';
360                 that.stateReason =
361                     'There seems to be no Keep proxy service available.';
362                 _deferred.reject(null, 'error', that.stateReason);
363                 return;
364             }
365             return doQueueWork();
366         }
367         function doQueueWork() {
368             // If anything is not Done, do it.
369             if ($scope.uploadQueue.length > 0 &&
370                 $scope.uploadQueue[0].state !== 'Done') {
371                 if (_deferred) {
372                     that.stateReason = null;
373                     return $scope.uploadQueue[0].go().
374                         then(appendToCollection, null, onQueueProgress).
375                         then(doQueueWork, onQueueReject);
376                 } else {
377                     // Queue work has been stopped. Just update the
378                     // view.
379                     onQueueProgress();
380                     return;
381                 }
382             }
383             // If everything is Done, resolve the promise and clean
384             // up. Note this can happen even after the _deferred
385             // promise has been rejected: specifically, when stop() is
386             // called too late to prevent completion of the last
387             // upload. In that case we want to update state to "Idle",
388             // rather than leave it at "Stopped".
389             onQueueResolve();
390         }
391         function onQueueReject(reason) {
392             if (!_deferred) {
393                 // Outcome has already been decided (by stop()).
394                 return;
395             }
397             that.state = 'Failed';
398             that.stateReason = (
399                 (reason.textStatus || 'Error') +
400                     (reason.xhr && reason.xhr.options
401                      ? (' (from ' + reason.xhr.options.url + ')')
402                      : '') +
403                     ': ' +
404                     (reason.err || ''));
405             if (reason.xhr && reason.xhr.responseText)
406                 that.stateReason += ' -- ' + reason.xhr.responseText;
407             _deferred.reject(reason);
408             onQueueProgress();
409         }
410         function onQueueResolve() {
411             that.state = 'Idle';
412             that.stateReason = 'Done!';
413             if (_deferred)
414                 _deferred.resolve();
415             onQueueProgress();
416         }
417         function onQueueProgress() {
418             // Ensure updates happen after FileUpload promise callbacks.
419             $timeout(function(){$scope.$apply();});
420         }
421         function appendToCollection(uploads) {
422             _deferredAppend = $.Deferred();
423             ArvadosClient.apiPromise(
424                 'collections', 'get',
425                 { uuid: $scope.uuid }).
426                 then(function(collection) {
427                     var manifestText = '';
428                     $.each(uploads, function(_, upload) {
429                         var locators = upload.locators;
430                         if (locators.length === 0) {
431                             // Every stream must have at least one
432                             // data locator, even if it is zero bytes
433                             // long:
434                             locators = ['d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0'];
435                         }
436                         filename = ArvadosClient.uniqueNameForManifest(
437                             collection.manifest_text,
438                             '.',;
439                         collection.manifest_text += '. ' +
440                             locators.join(' ') +
441                             ' 0:' + upload.file.size.toString() + ':' +
442                             filename +
443                             '\n';
444                     });
445                     return ArvadosClient.apiPromise(
446                         'collections', 'update',
447                         { uuid: $scope.uuid,
448                           collection:
449                           { manifest_text:
450                             collection.manifest_text }
451                         });
452                 }).
453                 then(function() {
454                     // Mark the completed upload(s) as Done and push
455                     // them to the bottom of the queue.
456                     var i, qLen = $scope.uploadQueue.length;
457                     for (i=0; i<qLen; i++) {
458                         if (uploads.indexOf($scope.uploadQueue[i]) >= 0) {
459                             $scope.uploadQueue[i].state = 'Done';
460                             $scope.uploadQueue.push.apply(
461                                 $scope.uploadQueue,
462                                 $scope.uploadQueue.splice(i, 1));
463                             --i;
464                             --qLen;
465                         }
466                     }
467                 }).
468                 then(_deferredAppend.resolve,
469                      _deferredAppend.reject);
470             return _deferredAppend.promise().
471                 always(function() {
472                     _deferredAppend = null;
473                 });
474         }
475     }
476 }