3 class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
4 include CurrentApiClient
6 # The fixture services/api/test/fixtures/users.yml serves as the input for this test case
8 # Make sure system_user exists before making "pre-test users" list
12 %w(a aa a0 aA Aa AA A0).each do |username|
13 test "#{username.inspect} is a valid username" do
14 user = User.new(username: username)
19 test "username is not required" do
20 user = User.new(username: nil)
24 test "username beginning with numeral is invalid" do
25 user = User.new(username: "0a")
29 "\\.-_/!@#$%^&*()[]{}".each_char do |bad_char|
30 test "username containing #{bad_char.inspect} is invalid" do
31 user = User.new(username: "bad#{bad_char}username")
36 test "username must be unique" do
37 user = User.new(username: users(:active).username)
41 test "non-admin can't update username" do
42 set_user_from_auth :rominiadmin
43 user = User.find_by_uuid(users(:rominiadmin).uuid)
44 user.username = "selfupdate"
45 assert_not_allowed { user.save }
48 def check_admin_username_change(fixture_name)
49 set_user_from_auth :admin_trustedclient
50 user = User.find_by_uuid(users(fixture_name).uuid)
51 user.username = "newnamefromtest"
55 test "admin can set username" do
56 check_admin_username_change(:active_no_prefs)
59 test "admin can update username" do
60 check_admin_username_change(:active)
63 test "admin can update own username" do
64 check_admin_username_change(:admin)
67 def check_new_username_setting(email_name, expect_name)
68 set_user_from_auth :admin
69 user = User.create!(email: "#{email_name}@example.org")
70 assert_equal(expect_name, user.username)
73 test "new username set from e-mail" do
74 check_new_username_setting("dakota", "dakota")
77 test "new username set from e-mail with leading digits" do
78 check_new_username_setting("1dakota9", "dakota9")
81 test "new username set from e-mail with punctuation" do
82 check_new_username_setting("dakota.9", "dakota9")
85 test "new username set from e-mail with leading digits and punctuation" do
86 check_new_username_setting("1.dakota.z", "dakotaz")
89 test "new username set from e-mail with extra part" do
90 check_new_username_setting("dakota+arvados", "dakota")
93 test "new username set with deduplication" do
94 name = users(:active).username
95 check_new_username_setting(name, "#{name}2")
96 check_new_username_setting(name, "#{name}3")
97 # Insert some out-of-order conflicts, to ensure our "sort by
98 # username, stop when we see a hole" strategy doesn't depend on
100 check_new_username_setting("#{name}13", "#{name}13")
101 check_new_username_setting("#{name}5", "#{name}5")
102 check_new_username_setting(name, "#{name}4")
103 6.upto(12).each do |n|
104 check_new_username_setting(name, "#{name}#{n}")
108 test "new username set avoiding blacklist" do
109 Rails.configuration.auto_setup_name_blacklist = ["root"]
110 check_new_username_setting("root", "root2")
113 test "no username set when no base available" do
114 check_new_username_setting("_", nil)
117 test "updating username updates repository names" do
118 set_user_from_auth :admin
119 user = users(:active)
120 user.username = "newtestname"
121 assert(user.save, "username update failed")
122 {foo: "newtestname/foo", repository2: "newtestname/foo2"}.
123 each_pair do |repo_sym, expect_name|
124 assert_equal(expect_name, repositories(repo_sym).name)
128 test "admin can clear username when user owns no repositories" do
129 set_user_from_auth :admin
130 user = users(:spectator)
133 assert_nil(user.username)
136 test "admin can't clear username when user owns repositories" do
137 set_user_from_auth :admin
138 user = users(:active)
140 assert_not_allowed { user.save }
141 refute_empty(user.errors[:username])
144 test "failed username update doesn't change repository names" do
145 set_user_from_auth :admin
146 user = users(:active)
147 user.username = users(:fuse).username
148 assert_not_allowed { user.save }
149 assert_equal("active/foo", repositories(:foo).name)
152 [[false, 'foo@example.com', true, nil],
153 [false, 'bar@example.com', nil, true],
154 [true, 'foo@example.com', true, nil],
155 [true, 'bar@example.com', true, true],
156 [false, false, nil, nil],
157 [true, false, true, nil]
158 ].each do |auto_admin_first_user_config, auto_admin_user_config, foo_should_be_admin, bar_should_be_admin|
159 # In each case, 'foo' is created first, then 'bar', then 'bar2', then 'baz'.
160 test "auto admin with auto_admin_first=#{auto_admin_first_user_config} auto_admin=#{auto_admin_user_config}" do
162 if auto_admin_first_user_config
163 # This test requires no admin users exist (except for the system user)
165 @all_users = User.where("uuid not like '%-000000000000000'").where(:is_admin => true).find(:all)
166 assert_equal 0, @all_users.size, "No admin users should exist (except for the system user)"
169 Rails.configuration.auto_admin_first_user = auto_admin_first_user_config
170 Rails.configuration.auto_admin_user = auto_admin_user_config
172 # See if the foo user has is_admin
174 foo.first_name = 'foo'
175 foo.email = 'foo@example.com'
177 act_as_system_user do
181 foo = User.find(foo.id) # get the user back
182 assert_equal foo_should_be_admin, foo.is_admin, "is_admin is wrong for user foo"
183 assert_equal 'foo', foo.first_name
185 # See if the bar user has is_admin
187 bar.first_name = 'bar'
188 bar.email = 'bar@example.com'
190 act_as_system_user do
194 bar = User.find(bar.id) # get the user back
195 assert_equal bar_should_be_admin, bar.is_admin, "is_admin is wrong for user bar"
196 assert_equal 'bar', bar.first_name
198 # A subsequent user with the bar@example.com address should never be
201 bar2.first_name = 'bar2'
202 bar2.email = 'bar@example.com'
204 act_as_system_user do
208 bar2 = User.find(bar2.id) # get the user back
209 assert !bar2.is_admin, "is_admin is wrong for user bar2"
210 assert_equal 'bar2', bar2.first_name
212 # An ordinary new user should not be elevated to admin
214 baz.first_name = 'baz'
215 baz.email = 'baz@example.com'
217 act_as_system_user do
221 baz = User.find(baz.id) # get the user back
223 assert_equal 'baz', baz.first_name
228 test "check non-admin active user properties" do
229 @active_user = users(:active) # get the active user
230 assert !@active_user.is_admin, 'is_admin should not be set for a non-admin user'
231 assert @active_user.is_active, 'user should be active'
232 assert @active_user.is_invited, 'is_invited should be set'
233 assert_not_nil @active_user.prefs, "user's preferences should be non-null, but may be size zero"
234 assert (@active_user.can? :read=>"#{@active_user.uuid}"), "user should be able to read own object"
235 assert (@active_user.can? :write=>"#{@active_user.uuid}"), "user should be able to write own object"
236 assert (@active_user.can? :manage=>"#{@active_user.uuid}"), "user should be able to manage own object"
238 assert @active_user.groups_i_can(:read).size > 0, "active user should be able read at least one group"
240 # non-admin user cannot manage or write other user objects
241 @uninvited_user = users(:inactive_uninvited) # get the uninvited user
242 assert !(@active_user.can? :read=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}")
243 assert !(@active_user.can? :write=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}")
244 assert !(@active_user.can? :manage=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}")
247 test "check admin user properties" do
248 @admin_user = users(:admin) # get the admin user
249 assert @admin_user.is_admin, 'is_admin should be set for admin user'
250 assert @admin_user.is_active, 'admin user cannot be inactive'
251 assert @admin_user.is_invited, 'is_invited should be set'
252 assert_not_nil @admin_user.uuid.size, "user's uuid should be non-null"
253 assert_not_nil @admin_user.prefs, "user's preferences should be non-null, but may be size zero"
254 assert @admin_user.identity_url.size > 0, "user's identity url is expected"
255 assert @admin_user.can? :read=>"#{@admin_user.uuid}"
256 assert @admin_user.can? :write=>"#{@admin_user.uuid}"
257 assert @admin_user.can? :manage=>"#{@admin_user.uuid}"
259 assert @admin_user.groups_i_can(:read).size > 0, "admin active user should be able read at least one group"
260 assert @admin_user.groups_i_can(:write).size > 0, "admin active user should be able write to at least one group"
261 assert @admin_user.groups_i_can(:manage).size > 0, "admin active user should be able manage at least one group"
263 # admin user can also write or manage other users
264 @uninvited_user = users(:inactive_uninvited) # get the uninvited user
265 assert @admin_user.can? :read=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
266 assert @admin_user.can? :write=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
267 assert @admin_user.can? :manage=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
270 test "check inactive and uninvited user properties" do
271 @uninvited_user = users(:inactive_uninvited) # get the uninvited user
272 assert !@uninvited_user.is_admin, 'is_admin should not be set for a non-admin user'
273 assert !@uninvited_user.is_active, 'user should be inactive'
274 assert !@uninvited_user.is_invited, 'is_invited should not be set'
275 assert @uninvited_user.can? :read=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
276 assert @uninvited_user.can? :write=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
277 assert @uninvited_user.can? :manage=>"#{@uninvited_user.uuid}"
279 assert @uninvited_user.groups_i_can(:read).size == 1, "inactive and uninvited user can only read anonymous user group"
280 assert @uninvited_user.groups_i_can(:read).first.ends_with? 'anonymouspublic' , "inactive and uninvited user can only read anonymous user group"
281 assert @uninvited_user.groups_i_can(:write).size == 0, "inactive and uninvited user should not be able write to any groups"
282 assert @uninvited_user.groups_i_can(:manage).size == 0, "inactive and uninvited user should not be able manage any groups"
285 test "find user method checks" do
286 User.find(:all).each do |user|
287 assert_not_nil user.uuid, "non-null uuid expected for " + user.full_name
290 user = users(:active) # get the active user
292 found_user = User.find(user.id) # find a user by the row id
294 assert_equal found_user.full_name, user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name
295 assert_equal found_user.identity_url, user.identity_url
298 test "full name should not contain spurious whitespace" do
299 set_user_from_auth :admin
301 user = User.create ({uuid: 'zzzzz-tpzed-abcdefghijklmno', email: 'foo@example.com' })
303 assert_equal '', user.full_name
305 user.first_name = 'John'
306 user.last_name = 'Smith'
308 assert_equal user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name, user.full_name
311 test "create new user" do
312 set_user_from_auth :admin
314 @all_users = User.find(:all)
317 user.first_name = "first_name_for_newly_created_user"
320 # verify there is one extra user in the db now
321 assert_equal @all_users.size+1, User.find(:all).size
323 user = User.find(user.id) # get the user back
324 assert_equal(user.first_name, 'first_name_for_newly_created_user')
325 assert_not_nil user.uuid, 'uuid should be set for newly created user'
326 assert_nil user.email, 'email should be null for newly created user, because it was not passed in'
327 assert_nil user.identity_url, 'identity_url should be null for newly created user, because it was not passed in'
329 user.first_name = 'first_name_for_newly_created_user_updated'
331 user = User.find(user.id) # get the user back
332 assert_equal(user.first_name, 'first_name_for_newly_created_user_updated')
335 test "create new user with notifications" do
336 set_user_from_auth :admin
338 create_user_and_verify_setup_and_notifications true, 'active-notify-address@example.com', 'inactive-notify-address@example.com', nil, nil
339 create_user_and_verify_setup_and_notifications true, 'active-notify-address@example.com', [], nil, nil
340 create_user_and_verify_setup_and_notifications true, [], [], nil, nil
341 create_user_and_verify_setup_and_notifications false, 'active-notify-address@example.com', 'inactive-notify-address@example.com', nil, nil
342 create_user_and_verify_setup_and_notifications false, [], 'inactive-notify-address@example.com', nil, nil
343 create_user_and_verify_setup_and_notifications false, [], [], nil, nil
347 # Easy inactive user tests.
348 [false, [], [], "inactive-none@example.com", false, false, "inactivenone"],
349 [false, [], [], "inactive-vm@example.com", true, false, "inactivevm"],
350 [false, [], [], "inactive-repo@example.com", false, true, "inactiverepo"],
351 [false, [], [], "inactive-both@example.com", true, true, "inactiveboth"],
353 # Easy active user tests.
354 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "active-none@example.com", false, false, "activenone"],
355 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "active-vm@example.com", true, false, "activevm"],
356 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "active-repo@example.com", false, true, "activerepo"],
357 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "active-both@example.com", true, true, "activeboth"],
359 # Test users with malformed e-mail addresses.
360 [false, [], [], nil, true, true, nil],
361 [false, [], [], "arvados", true, true, nil],
362 [false, [], [], "@example.com", true, true, nil],
363 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "*!*@example.com", true, false, nil],
364 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "*!*@example.com", false, false, nil],
366 # Test users with various username transformations.
367 [false, [], [], "arvados@example.com", false, false, "arvados2"],
368 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "arvados@example.com", false, false, "arvados2"],
369 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "root@example.com", true, false, "root2"],
370 [false, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "root@example.com", true, false, "root2"],
371 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "roo_t@example.com", false, true, "root2"],
372 [false, [], [], "^^incorrect_format@example.com", true, true, "incorrectformat"],
373 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "&4a_d9.@example.com", true, true, "ad9"],
374 [true, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "&4a_d9.@example.com", false, false, "ad9"],
375 [false, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "&4a_d9.@example.com", true, true, "ad9"],
376 [false, "active-notify@example.com", "inactive-notify@example.com", "&4a_d9.@example.com", false, false, "ad9"],
377 ].each do |active, new_user_recipients, inactive_recipients, email, auto_setup_vm, auto_setup_repo, expect_username|
378 test "create new user with auto setup #{active} #{email} #{auto_setup_vm} #{auto_setup_repo}" do
379 set_user_from_auth :admin
381 Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users = true
384 Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users_with_vm_uuid = virtual_machines(:testvm)['uuid']
386 Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users_with_vm_uuid = false
389 Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users_with_repository = auto_setup_repo
391 create_user_and_verify_setup_and_notifications active, new_user_recipients, inactive_recipients, email, expect_username
395 test "update existing user" do
396 set_user_from_auth :active # set active user as current user
398 @active_user = users(:active) # get the active user
400 @active_user.first_name = "first_name_changed"
403 @active_user = User.find(@active_user.id) # get the user back
404 assert_equal(@active_user.first_name, 'first_name_changed')
406 # admin user also should be able to update the "active" user info
407 set_user_from_auth :admin # set admin user as current user
408 @active_user.first_name = "first_name_changed_by_admin_for_active_user"
411 @active_user = User.find(@active_user.id) # get the user back
412 assert_equal(@active_user.first_name, 'first_name_changed_by_admin_for_active_user')
415 test "delete a user and verify" do
416 @active_user = users(:active) # get the active user
417 active_user_uuid = @active_user.uuid
419 set_user_from_auth :admin
422 found_deleted_user = false
423 User.find(:all).each do |user|
424 if user.uuid == active_user_uuid
425 found_deleted_user = true
429 assert !found_deleted_user, "found deleted user: "+active_user_uuid
433 test "create new user as non-admin user" do
434 set_user_from_auth :active
435 assert_not_allowed { User.new.save }
438 test "setup new user" do
439 set_user_from_auth :admin
441 email = 'foo@example.com'
442 openid_prefix = 'http://openid/prefix'
444 user = User.create ({uuid: 'zzzzz-tpzed-abcdefghijklmno', email: email})
446 vm = VirtualMachine.create
448 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix, 'foo/testrepo', vm.uuid
450 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User'
451 verify_user resp_user, email
453 oid_login_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#user'
455 verify_link oid_login_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:email],
458 assert_equal openid_prefix, oid_login_perm[:properties]['identity_url_prefix'],
459 'expected identity_url_prefix not found for oid_login_perm'
461 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
462 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
464 repo_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#repository'
465 verify_link repo_perm, 'permission', 'can_manage', resp_user[:uuid], nil
467 vm_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#virtualMachine'
468 verify_link vm_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:uuid], vm.uuid
469 assert_equal("foo", vm_perm.properties["username"])
472 test "setup new user with junk in database" do
473 set_user_from_auth :admin
475 email = 'foo@example.com'
476 openid_prefix = 'http://openid/prefix'
478 user = User.create ({uuid: 'zzzzz-tpzed-abcdefghijklmno', email: email})
480 vm = VirtualMachine.create
482 # Set up the bogus Link
483 bad_uuid = 'zzzzz-tpzed-xyzxyzxyzxyzxyz'
485 resp_link = Link.create ({tail_uuid: email, link_class: 'permission',
486 name: 'can_login', head_uuid: bad_uuid})
487 resp_link.save(validate: false)
489 verify_link resp_link, 'permission', 'can_login', email, bad_uuid
491 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix, 'foo/testrepo', vm.uuid
493 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User'
494 verify_user resp_user, email
496 oid_login_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#user'
498 verify_link oid_login_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:email],
501 assert_equal openid_prefix, oid_login_perm[:properties]['identity_url_prefix'],
502 'expected identity_url_prefix not found for oid_login_perm'
504 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
505 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
507 repo_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#repository'
508 verify_link repo_perm, 'permission', 'can_manage', resp_user[:uuid], nil
510 vm_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#virtualMachine'
511 verify_link vm_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:uuid], vm.uuid
512 assert_equal("foo", vm_perm.properties["username"])
515 test "setup new user in multiple steps" do
516 set_user_from_auth :admin
518 email = 'foo@example.com'
519 openid_prefix = 'http://openid/prefix'
521 user = User.create ({uuid: 'zzzzz-tpzed-abcdefghijklmno', email: email})
523 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix
525 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User'
526 verify_user resp_user, email
528 oid_login_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#user'
529 verify_link oid_login_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:email],
531 assert_equal openid_prefix, oid_login_perm[:properties]['identity_url_prefix'],
532 'expected identity_url_prefix not found for oid_login_perm'
534 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
535 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
537 # invoke setup again with repo_name
538 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix, 'foo/testrepo'
539 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User', nil
540 verify_user resp_user, email
541 assert_equal user.uuid, resp_user[:uuid], 'expected uuid not found'
543 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
544 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
546 repo_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#repository'
547 verify_link repo_perm, 'permission', 'can_manage', resp_user[:uuid], nil
549 # invoke setup again with a vm_uuid
550 vm = VirtualMachine.create
552 response = User.setup user, openid_prefix, 'foo/testrepo', vm.uuid
554 resp_user = find_obj_in_resp response, 'User', nil
555 verify_user resp_user, email
556 assert_equal user.uuid, resp_user[:uuid], 'expected uuid not found'
558 group_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#group'
559 verify_link group_perm, 'permission', 'can_read', resp_user[:uuid], nil
561 repo_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#repository'
562 verify_link repo_perm, 'permission', 'can_manage', resp_user[:uuid], nil
564 vm_perm = find_obj_in_resp response, 'Link', 'arvados#virtualMachine'
565 verify_link vm_perm, 'permission', 'can_login', resp_user[:uuid], vm.uuid
566 assert_equal("foo", vm_perm.properties["username"])
569 def find_obj_in_resp (response_items, object_type, head_kind=nil)
571 response_items.each { |x|
576 if object_type == 'User'
577 if ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid(x['uuid']) == User
581 else # looking for a link
582 if ArvadosModel::resource_class_for_uuid(x['head_uuid']).kind == head_kind
591 def verify_user (resp_user, email)
592 assert_not_nil resp_user, 'expected user object'
593 assert_not_nil resp_user['uuid'], 'expected user object'
594 assert_equal email, resp_user['email'], 'expected email not found'
598 def verify_link (link_object, link_class, link_name, tail_uuid, head_uuid)
599 assert_not_nil link_object, "expected link for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
600 assert_not_nil link_object[:uuid],
601 "expected non-nil uuid for link for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
602 assert_equal link_class, link_object[:link_class],
603 "expected link_class not found for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
604 assert_equal link_name, link_object[:name],
605 "expected link_name not found for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
606 assert_equal tail_uuid, link_object[:tail_uuid],
607 "expected tail_uuid not found for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
609 assert_equal head_uuid, link_object[:head_uuid],
610 "expected head_uuid not found for #{link_class} #{link_name}"
614 def create_user_and_verify_setup_and_notifications (active, new_user_recipients, inactive_recipients, email, expect_username)
615 Rails.configuration.new_user_notification_recipients = new_user_recipients
616 Rails.configuration.new_inactive_user_notification_recipients = inactive_recipients
618 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
620 can_setup = (Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users and
621 (not expect_username.nil?))
622 expect_repo_name = "#{expect_username}/#{expect_username}"
623 prior_repo = Repository.where(name: expect_repo_name).first
626 user.first_name = "first_name_for_newly_created_user"
628 user.is_active = active
630 assert_equal(expect_username, user.username)
633 verify_link_exists(Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users,
634 groups(:all_users).uuid, user.uuid,
635 "permission", "can_read")
636 # Check for OID login link.
637 verify_link_exists(Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users,
638 user.uuid, user.email, "permission", "can_login")
639 # Check for repository.
640 if named_repo = (prior_repo or
641 Repository.where(name: expect_repo_name).first)
642 verify_link_exists((can_setup and prior_repo.nil? and
643 Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users_with_repository),
644 named_repo.uuid, user.uuid, "permission", "can_manage")
646 # Check for VM login.
647 if auto_vm_uuid = Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users_with_vm_uuid
648 verify_link_exists(can_setup, auto_vm_uuid, user.uuid,
649 "permission", "can_login", "username", expect_username)
652 # check email notifications
654 new_inactive_user_email = nil
656 new_user_email_subject = "#{Rails.configuration.email_subject_prefix}New user created notification"
657 if Rails.configuration.auto_setup_new_users
658 new_user_email_subject = (expect_username or active) ?
659 "#{Rails.configuration.email_subject_prefix}New user created and setup notification" :
660 "#{Rails.configuration.email_subject_prefix}New user created, but not setup notification"
663 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.each do |d|
664 if d.subject == new_user_email_subject then
666 elsif d.subject == "#{Rails.configuration.email_subject_prefix}New inactive user notification" then
667 new_inactive_user_email = d
671 # both active and inactive user creations should result in new user creation notification mails,
672 # if the new user email recipients config parameter is set
673 if not new_user_recipients.empty? then
674 assert_not_nil new_user_email, 'Expected new user email after setup'
675 assert_equal Rails.configuration.user_notifier_email_from, new_user_email.from[0]
676 assert_equal new_user_recipients, new_user_email.to[0]
677 assert_equal new_user_email_subject, new_user_email.subject
679 assert_nil new_user_email, 'Did not expect new user email after setup'
683 if not inactive_recipients.empty? then
684 assert_not_nil new_inactive_user_email, 'Expected new inactive user email after setup'
685 assert_equal Rails.configuration.user_notifier_email_from, new_inactive_user_email.from[0]
686 assert_equal inactive_recipients, new_inactive_user_email.to[0]
687 assert_equal "#{Rails.configuration.email_subject_prefix}New inactive user notification", new_inactive_user_email.subject
689 assert_nil new_inactive_user_email, 'Did not expect new inactive user email after setup'
692 assert_nil new_inactive_user_email, 'Expected no inactive user email after setting up active user'
694 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = []
698 def verify_link_exists link_exists, head_uuid, tail_uuid, link_class, link_name, property_name=nil, property_value=nil
699 all_links = Link.where(head_uuid: head_uuid,
700 tail_uuid: tail_uuid,
701 link_class: link_class,
703 assert_equal link_exists, all_links.any?, "Link #{'not' if link_exists} found for #{link_name} #{link_class} #{property_value}"
704 if link_exists && property_name && property_value
705 all_links.each do |link|
706 assert_equal true, all_links.first.properties[property_name].start_with?(property_value), 'Property not found in link'