1 # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0
9 class NodeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
10 def ping_node(node_name, ping_data)
11 set_user_from_auth :admin
12 node = nodes(node_name)
13 node.ping({ping_secret: node.info['ping_secret'],
14 ip: node.ip_address}.merge(ping_data))
18 test "pinging a node can add and update stats" do
19 node = ping_node(:idle, {total_cpu_cores: '12', total_ram_mb: '512'})
20 assert_equal(12, node.properties['total_cpu_cores'])
21 assert_equal(512, node.properties['total_ram_mb'])
24 test "stats disappear if not in a ping" do
25 node = ping_node(:idle, {total_ram_mb: '256'})
26 refute_includes(node.properties, 'total_cpu_cores')
27 assert_equal(256, node.properties['total_ram_mb'])
30 test "worker state is down for node with no slot" do
31 node = nodes(:was_idle_now_down)
32 assert_nil node.slot_number, "fixture is not what I expected"
33 assert_equal 'down', node.crunch_worker_state, "wrong worker state"
36 test "dns_server_conf_template" do
37 Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir = Rails.root.join 'tmp'
38 Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template = Rails.root.join 'config', 'unbound.template'
39 conffile = Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'compute65535.conf'
40 File.unlink conffile rescue nil
41 assert Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
42 assert_match(/\"1\.0\.0\.127\.in-addr\.arpa\. IN PTR compute65535\.zzzzz\.arvadosapi\.com\"/, IO.read(conffile))
46 test "dns_server_restart_command" do
47 Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir = Rails.root.join 'tmp'
48 Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command = 'foobar'
49 restartfile = Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'restart.txt'
50 File.unlink restartfile rescue nil
51 assert Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
52 assert_equal "foobar\n", IO.read(restartfile)
53 File.unlink restartfile
56 test "dns_server_restart_command fail" do
57 Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir = Rails.root.join 'tmp', 'bogusdir'
58 Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command = 'foobar'
59 refute Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
62 test "dns_server_update_command with valid command" do
63 testfile = Rails.root.join('tmp', 'node_test_dns_server_update_command.txt')
64 Rails.configuration.dns_server_update_command =
65 ('echo -n "%{hostname} == %{ip_address}" >' +
66 testfile.to_s.shellescape)
67 assert Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
68 assert_equal 'compute65535 ==', IO.read(testfile)
72 test "dns_server_update_command with failing command" do
73 Rails.configuration.dns_server_update_command = 'false %{hostname}'
74 refute Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
77 test "dns update with no commands/dirs configured" do
78 Rails.configuration.dns_server_update_command = false
79 Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir = false
80 Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template = 'ignored!'
81 Rails.configuration.dns_server_reload_command = 'ignored!'
82 assert Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
85 test "don't leave temp files behind if there's an error writing them" do
86 Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_template = Rails.root.join 'config', 'unbound.template'
87 Tempfile.any_instance.stubs(:puts).raises(IOError)
88 Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir|
89 Rails.configuration.dns_server_conf_dir = tmpdir
90 refute Node.dns_server_update 'compute65535', ''
91 assert_empty Dir.entries(tmpdir).select{|f| File.file? f}
95 test "ping new node with no hostname and default config" do
96 node = ping_node(:new_with_no_hostname, {})
97 slot_number = node.slot_number
98 refute_nil slot_number
99 assert_equal("compute#{slot_number}", node.hostname)
102 test "ping new node with no hostname and no config" do
103 Rails.configuration.assign_node_hostname = false
104 node = ping_node(:new_with_no_hostname, {})
105 refute_nil node.slot_number
106 assert_nil node.hostname
109 test "ping new node with zero padding config" do
110 Rails.configuration.assign_node_hostname = 'compute%<slot_number>04d'
111 node = ping_node(:new_with_no_hostname, {})
112 slot_number = node.slot_number
113 refute_nil slot_number
114 assert_equal("compute000#{slot_number}", node.hostname)
117 test "ping node with hostname and config and expect hostname unchanged" do
118 node = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
119 assert_equal(23, node.slot_number)
120 assert_equal("custom1", node.hostname)
123 test "ping node with hostname and no config and expect hostname unchanged" do
124 Rails.configuration.assign_node_hostname = false
125 node = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
126 assert_equal(23, node.slot_number)
127 assert_equal("custom1", node.hostname)
130 # Ping two nodes: one without a hostname and the other with a hostname.
131 # Verify that the first one gets a hostname and second one is unchanged.
132 test "ping two nodes one with no hostname and one with hostname and check hostnames" do
133 # ping node with no hostname and expect it set with config format
134 node = ping_node(:new_with_no_hostname, {})
135 refute_nil node.slot_number
136 assert_equal "compute#{node.slot_number}", node.hostname
138 # ping node with a hostname and expect it to be unchanged
139 node2 = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
140 refute_nil node2.slot_number
141 assert_equal "custom1", node2.hostname
144 test "update dns when nodemanager clears hostname and ip_address" do
145 act_as_system_user do
146 node = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
147 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with(node.hostname, Node::UNUSED_NODE_IP)
148 node.update_attributes(hostname: nil, ip_address: nil)
152 test "update dns when hostname changes" do
153 act_as_system_user do
154 node = ping_node(:new_with_custom_hostname, {})
156 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with(node.hostname, Node::UNUSED_NODE_IP)
157 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with('foo0', node.ip_address)
158 node.update_attributes!(hostname: 'foo0')
160 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with('foo0', Node::UNUSED_NODE_IP)
161 node.update_attributes!(hostname: nil, ip_address: nil)
163 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with('foo0', '')
164 node.update_attributes!(hostname: 'foo0', ip_address: '')
166 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with('foo0', '')
167 node.update_attributes!(hostname: 'foo0', ip_address: '')
171 test 'newest ping wins IP address conflict' do
172 act_as_system_user do
173 n1, n2 = Node.create!, Node.create!
175 n1.ping(ip: '', ping_secret: n1.info['ping_secret'])
178 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with(n1.hostname, Node::UNUSED_NODE_IP)
179 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with(Not(equals(n1.hostname)), '')
180 n2.ping(ip: '', ping_secret: n2.info['ping_secret'])
184 assert_nil n1.ip_address
185 assert_equal '', n2.ip_address
187 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with(n2.hostname, Node::UNUSED_NODE_IP)
188 Node.expects(:dns_server_update).with(n1.hostname, '')
189 n1.ping(ip: '', ping_secret: n1.info['ping_secret'])
193 assert_nil n2.ip_address
194 assert_equal '', n1.ip_address
198 test 'run out of slots' do
199 Rails.configuration.max_compute_nodes = 3
200 act_as_system_user do
204 args = { ip: "10.0.0.#{i}", ping_secret: n.info['ping_secret'] }
205 if i <= Rails.configuration.max_compute_nodes