2018-11-29 Michal KlobukowskiExtract BooleanInput normalize function
2018-11-29 Janicki ArturMerge branch '14503_keep_services'
2018-11-29 Janicki ArturMerge branch 'master' of 14503_keep_services
2018-11-29 Janicki Arturrefactor code for auth service
2018-11-29 Janicki Arturremove console log
2018-11-29 Janicki Arturadd property isAdmin to the user interface
2018-11-29 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '14393-vocabulary'
2018-11-29 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master' into 14393-vocabulary
2018-11-29 Michal KlobukowskiAdd test-local script
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiRestore TAG_VALUE_VALIDATION
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiRestore TAG_KEY_VALIDATION
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiAdd build-local script
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiAdd margin to CollectionTagForm
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiAdd margin to ProjectPropertiesForm
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiAdd classes prop to ResourcePropertiesForm
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiClean up imports
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiExtract property field props builder
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiExtract common utils for controlling property field...
2018-11-28 Pawel Kowalczykrefs #14496-infinite-loading-when-trying-to-share-a...
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiUse ProgressButton in ResourcePropertiesForm
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiExtract property-field-common module
2018-11-28 Janicki Arturrefs #14534 Breadcrumbs are not updated after searching
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiChange Autocomplete's popover anchor
2018-11-28 Michal KlobukowskiCreate ProgressButton
2018-11-28 Pawel Kowalczykrefs #14533-copy-to-project-does-not-work-from-side...
2018-11-28 Daniel Kosrefs # Force rebuild
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiUpdate getTagValues to handle undefined tag values...
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiMark vocabulary tag fields as optional
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiUnwrap ResourcePropertiesForm
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiReuse ResourcePropertiesForm as ProjectPropertiesForm
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiReuse ResourcePropertiesForm as CollectionTagForm
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiCreate ResourcePropertiesForm
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiExtract PROPERTY_VALUE_FIELD_NAME
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiExtract PROPERTY_KEY_FIELD_NAME to keep consistency...
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiUse formValues to access property key value
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiCreate PropertyValueField
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiCreate PropertyKeyField
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiAdd error support to autocomplete
2018-11-27 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch '14494-add-option-to-run-a-process-from...
2018-11-27 Pawel Kowalczykmerge master 14494-add-option-to-run-a-process-from-workflow-view
2018-11-27 Pawel Kowalczykadd-option-to-run-a-process-from-workflow-view
2018-11-27 Janicki Arturrefs #master add sharing private workflow
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiFix vocabulary tags fiel type
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiAdd loadVocabulary dispatch to project initialization
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiCreate loadVocabulary action
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiExport DEFAULT_VOCABULARY value
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiAdd function that validates whether a given value is...
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiAdd vocabularyService to ServiceRepository
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiAdd VOCABULARY_URL to config schema in readme
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiAdd vocabulary url to config
2018-11-27 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch '13864-Virtual-machines'
2018-11-27 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch 'master' into 13864-Virtual-machines 13864-Virtual-machines
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiCreate vocabulary service
2018-11-27 Janicki ArturMerge branch '14528_advance_tab_action_for_ssh_key'
2018-11-27 Janicki ArturMerge branch 'master' of 14528_advance_tab_action_for_ssh_key
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiCreate getVocabulary selector
2018-11-27 Pawel Kowalczykcr changes
2018-11-27 Janicki Arturchange code after CR
2018-11-27 Michal KlobukowskiCreate vocabulary model
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiDisable DataTableFiltersTree ripple
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '14258-collection-filtering'
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master' into 14258-collection-filtering
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiUpdate filter-builder test
2018-11-26 Janicki Arturadd async for get open advanced dialog, fix issues
2018-11-26 Janicki Arturadd advance tab for ssh key, refactor code
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch 'master'
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '14258-update-project-panel-to-use-filters...
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiSet filters tree right padding
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiAdd prop for controlling right tree item indentation
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiCalculate filters tree indentation from subfilters...
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiAdd prop for controlling tree item indentation
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiAdd function for counting tree node children
2018-11-26 Pawel Kowalczykvm-panel-ui-changes
2018-11-26 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch 'master' into 13864-Virtual-machines
2018-11-26 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch '14529-moving-renaming-processes-in-final...
2018-11-26 Pawel KowalczykMerge branch 'master' into 14529-moving-renaming-proces... 14529-moving-renaming-processes-in-final-state
2018-11-26 Pawel Kowalczykfixed tail in metadata advanced tab
2018-11-26 Pawel Kowalczykcontext-menu-sets
2018-11-26 Pawel Kowalczykcr change
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiRevert collection type delete
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiDelete unused collection type
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiMerge branch '14258-update-views-to-use-new-filters...
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiRestore type filters to favorit-middleware-service
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiReplace type filters with simplified ones in favorite...
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiFormat resource-type-filters
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiCreate function for serializing simplified object type...
2018-11-26 Michal KlobukowskiCreate simplified object type filters for use where...
2018-11-26 Janicki Arturrefs #master Fix auth actions test
2018-11-26 Janicki Arturrefs #master Fix auth reducer test
2018-11-26 Janicki ArturMerge branch '14528_table_view_and_actions'
2018-11-26 Janicki Arturadd attributes to dialog 14528_table_view_and_actions
2018-11-25 Michal KlobukowskiRestore type filters to trash panel
2018-11-24 Janicki Arturadd table view, actions and dialogs
2018-11-23 Pawel Kowalczykfixed copy parameters
2018-11-23 Pawel Kowalczykmoving, copying, renaming processes in final state
2018-11-23 Janicki Arturrefs #14523 hide sharing for private workflow
2018-11-22 Janicki Arturrefs #14523 fix share button for workflow and progress...
2018-11-22 Pawel Kowalczykproper-username-and-link-to-ssh-keys-panel
2018-11-22 Michal KlobukowskiAdd group contents name filter extraction TODO
2018-11-22 Michal KlobukowskiRestore nameFilters in project-panel-middleware-service