2022-10-12 Stephen Smith16073: Process io file array and secondaryFiles into...
2022-10-12 Stephen Smith16073: Filter out objects from process details attribut...
2022-10-12 Stephen Smith16073: Fix display of empty raw params when workflow...
2022-10-12 Stephen Smith16073: Display process io params from props, hide previ...
2022-09-30 Stephen Smith16073: Add min width to process io preview label column
2022-09-30 Stephen Smith16073: Update process io tests
2022-09-30 Stephen Smith16073: Show loading indicator when process io params...
2022-09-30 Stephen Smith16073: Use link element for keep-web links to allow...
2022-09-30 Stephen Smith16073: Remove keep: prefix from io param pdh links
2022-09-30 Stephen Smith16073: Reduce process io preview table padding
2022-09-30 Stephen Smith16073: Correctly fetch raw inputs wihtout processing
2022-09-30 Stephen Smith16073: Parallelize process output requests
2022-09-23 Stephen Smith16073: Try to fix cypress
2022-09-22 Stephen Smith16073: Update test for removal of doc
2022-09-22 Stephen Smith16073: Remove unused styles
2022-09-22 Stephen Smith16073: Add maximize to process io panels
2022-09-21 Stephen Smith16073: Reduce collection panel files padding / empty...
2022-09-20 Stephen Smith16073: Hide label column when no params have label
2022-09-20 Stephen Smith16073: Make default view icon optional, hide tabs when...
2022-09-20 Stephen Smith16073: Use inbox/outbox icons for io panels from materi...
2022-09-20 Stephen Smith16073: Remove doc from io panels
2022-09-15 Stephen Smith16073: Imporve process io panel test reliability
2022-09-15 Stephen Smith16073: Update process io panel cypress tests
2022-09-15 Stephen Smith16073: Add ellipses to truncated io param docstrings
2022-09-15 Stephen Smith16073: Add link to collection in subprocess output...
2022-09-15 Stephen Smith16073: Add image preview toggle with placeholder, hide...
2022-09-15 Stephen Smith16073: Style io panel tabs to be symmetrical
2022-09-14 Stephen Smith16073: Add tooltip hints to collection/keep links
2022-09-14 Stephen Smith16073: Reduce io preview table header padding
2022-09-13 Stephen Smith16073: Hide param tabs on subprocess and collection...
2022-09-13 Stephen Smith16073: Rename process io panel tabs
2022-09-12 Stephen Smith16073: Use import/export as process i/o icons
2022-08-30 Stephen SmithMerge branch 'main' of
2022-08-30 Stephen Smith16073: Remove process details attributes inputs link...
2022-08-29 Stephen Smith16073: Move process io preview links below image, add...
2022-08-29 Stephen Smith16073: Add process io panel output collection tab
2022-08-26 Stephen Smith16073: Add input collection mounts to process io panel...
2022-08-25 Stephen SmithMerge branch '19421-restore-old-redirect-key' into...
2022-08-25 Stephen Smith19421: Redirect old "redirectTo" url param to "redirect... 19421-restore-old-redirect-key
2022-08-04 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '19231-fewer-rows-per-page' refs #19231
2022-08-04 Stephen SmithMerge branch '19142-avoid-loading-unneeded-mounts'...
2022-08-04 Peter Amstutz19231: Add smaller page sizes (10 and 20 items) to... 19231-fewer-rows-per-page
2022-08-04 Stephen Smith19142: Remove input dialog action from process context... 19142-avoid-loading-unneeded-mounts
2022-08-04 Stephen Smith19142: Avoid loading mounts in subprocess panel
2022-08-03 Stephen Smith19142: Add note explaining purpose of field list
2022-08-03 Stephen Smith19142: Unselect mounts when loading all process and...
2022-08-02 Stephen SmithMerge branch '19305-project-update-dialog-properties...
2022-08-02 Stephen Smith19305: Add cypress tests for edit project via breadcrumbs 19305-project-update-dialog-properties
2022-08-02 Stephen Smith19305: Update project dialog fetch project from store
2022-08-01 Stephen SmithMerge branch '19079-search-results-open-newtab' into...
2022-07-29 Stephen Smith19079: Add federated case to search results context... 19079-search-results-open-newtab
2022-07-28 Stephen SmithMerge branch 'main' of
2022-07-28 Stephen Smith19079: Don't use collection specific url processing...
2022-07-28 Stephen SmithMerge branch '16070-process-commandline-view-panel...
2022-07-27 Stephen Smith19079: Add test for search context menu
2022-07-27 Stephen Smith19079: Add search results context menu with clipboard...
2022-07-26 Stephen Smith16070: Cleanup and update integration test script 16070-process-commandline-view-panel
2022-07-26 Stephen Smith16070: Add fake store to tests using code snippet.
2022-07-26 Stephen Smith16070: Add optional linking to code snippet component...
2022-07-22 Stephen SmithMerge branch '18965-login-flow-destination' into main...
2022-07-21 Stephen Smith16070: Replace process command dialog with command...
2022-07-21 Stephen Smith16070: Swap shell escaping library to improve command...
2022-07-20 Stephen Smith18965: Redirect to current url after login when doing... 18965-login-flow-destination
2022-07-20 Stephen Smith16073: Add better empty value handling for process...
2022-07-19 Stephen Smith16073: Use chips for process io array values, fix extra...
2022-07-19 Stephen Smith16073: Add process io panel cypress tests
2022-07-19 Stephen Smith16073: Use workflow output definition fields for output...
2022-07-14 Stephen Smith16073: Change cypress tests to use TrustAllContent...
2022-07-12 Stephen Smith16073: Add default view for empty process IO panels
2022-07-12 Stephen Smith16073: Refactor process io file processing
2022-07-12 Stephen Smith16073: Fix keep path for directory pdh links, refactor
2022-07-12 Stephen Smith16073: Add process IO panels with image preview and...
2022-07-12 Stephen Smith18965: Fix storing targetUrl for non-password login
2022-07-11 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18975-log-improvements'. Closes #18975
2022-07-07 Lucas Di Pentima18975: Makes UUID & PDH clicking on log viewer to open... 18975-log-improvements
2022-07-07 Lucas Di Pentima18975: Fixes log viewer's follow mode when maximized.
2022-07-07 Lucas Di Pentima18975: Adds keepstore logs to the log viewer filters.
2022-07-07 Lucas Di Pentima18975: Adds 'Main logs' filter selection. Fixes filter...
2022-07-05 Lucas Di Pentima18975: Improves word wrapping status indication on...
2022-07-05 Lucas Di Pentima18975: Changes links' color to improve contrast and...
2022-07-04 Lucas Di Pentima18975: Sets log viewer's "follow mode" mode ON by default.
2022-06-24 Stephen SmithMerge branch '19093-process-failed-warning' into main...
2022-06-23 Stephen Smith19093: Add cypress test for container_count warning 19093-process-failed-warning
2022-06-23 Stephen Smith19093: Use paper instead of expansionpanel for process...
2022-06-23 Stephen Smith19093: Improve cypress test reliability
2022-06-23 Stephen Smith19093: Add process details attriutes warning for contai...
2022-06-22 Stephen SmithMerge branch '19153-sharing-links-inline' into main...
2022-06-21 Stephen Smith19153: Fix cypress test 19153-sharing-links-inline
2022-06-21 Stephen Smith19153: Fix project cypress test
2022-06-21 Stephen Smith19153: Update tests
2022-06-21 Stephen Smith19153: Add support for inline sharing links
2022-06-21 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '18203-Support-setting-multi-properties...
2022-06-16 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '19007-file-browser-action-button'. Closes...
2022-06-13 Daniel Kutyła18203: Added test for multiple properties creation 18203-Support-setting-multi-properties-at-once
2022-06-13 Daniel Kutyła18203: added support for adding multi properties at...
2022-06-10 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '19177-sharing-urls-ui-config'. Closes...
2022-06-10 Lucas Di Pentima19007: Expands tests. 19007-file-browser-action-button
2022-06-09 Lucas Di Pentima19007: Removes unused code from the old file browser.
2022-06-09 Lucas Di Pentima19007: Brings the "More options" menu button back to...
2022-06-08 Lucas Di Pentima19177: Hides 'Sharing URLs' tab from Sharing dialog... 19177-sharing-urls-ui-config