2018-07-06 | Michal Klobukowski | Merge branch 'master' into 13703-data-explorer-and... | tree | commitdiff |
2018-07-06 | Michal Klobukowski | Merge branch '13704-navigation-details-panel' | tree | commitdiff |
2018-07-06 | Michal Klobukowski | Merge branch 'master' into 13704-navigation-details... | tree | commitdiff |
2018-07-06 | Artur Janicki | #13704: add attribute comonent and clean code | tree | commitdiff |
2018-07-06 | Artur Janicki | #13704: add custom theme and clean code | tree | commitdiff |
2018-07-05 | Artur Janicki | #13704: change code after CR | tree | commitdiff |
2018-07-04 | Artur Janicki | #13704: add effects for opening the panel | tree | commitdiff |
2018-07-04 | Artur Janicki | #13704: remove headerTitle class and change title | tree | commitdiff |
2018-07-04 | Artur Janicki | #13704: modify details panel | tree | commitdiff |
2018-07-03 | Artur Janicki | #13704: init navigation details panel | tree | commitdiff |