15768: removed errant .only from spec Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Lisa Knox <lisa...
[arvados-workbench2.git] / cypress / integration / virtual-machine-admin.spec.js
2023-09-20 Lisa Knox15768: virtual machine spec pass Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed...
2022-10-21 Stephen SmithMerge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbenc...
2022-10-16 Daniel KutyłaMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 19311...
2022-10-13 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '18692-frozen-projects-workbench-support...
2022-10-06 Daniel Kutyła18692: Removed tests relation on snackbar 18692-frozen-projects-workbench-support
2022-10-06 Stephen SmithMerge branch '18979-vm-login-ui' into main. Closes...
2022-09-14 Stephen SmithMerge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados-workbenc...
2022-08-12 Stephen Smith18979: Add test for disabling add login form with unsav...
2022-04-06 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '18834-uploading-a-file-into-a-subdirector...
2022-04-05 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18966-collection-not-found-ui'. Closes... 2.4.0
2022-04-04 Stephen SmithMerge branch '18559-user-profile' into main. Closes...
2022-03-14 Stephen Smith18559: Improve reliability of vm admin tests
2022-02-18 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18560-wb2-vocabulary-picking'. Closes...
2022-02-16 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18315-collection-panel-refresh'. Closes...
2022-02-16 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '18594-Collection-Advanced-Menu-is-trying...
2022-02-14 Stephen SmithMerge branch '18284-vm-listing' into main. Closes ...
2022-02-08 Stephen Smith18284: Add update vm login dialog, remove default group...
2022-01-27 Stephen Smith18284: Make vm cypress test users unique to avoid race...
2022-01-27 Stephen Smith18284: Try to fix flakey test 18284-vm-listing-test-1
2022-01-27 Stephen Smith18284: Try to fix cypress tests
2022-01-26 Stephen Smith18284: Fix small bug and add tests for vm login admin