16073: Remove process details attributes inputs link, load output collection to displ...
[arvados-workbench2.git] / src / components /
2022-07-11 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18975-log-improvements'. Closes #18975
2022-07-05 Lucas Di Pentima18975: Improves word wrapping status indication on...
2022-06-21 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '18203-Support-setting-multi-properties...
2022-06-16 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '19007-file-browser-action-button'. Closes...
2022-06-10 Lucas Di Pentima19007: Expands tests. 19007-file-browser-action-button
2022-06-09 Lucas Di Pentima19007: Removes unused code from the old file browser.
2022-06-09 Lucas Di Pentima19007: Brings the "More options" menu button back to...
2022-06-07 Stephen SmithMerge branch '18984-project-type-filters-2' into main...
2022-06-03 Stephen Smith18984: Refactor default data table view, add active...
2022-06-01 Stephen Smith18984: Only show dirty indicator on non-radio data...
2022-06-01 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18787-file-browser-rerendering-fix'....
2022-06-01 Stephen Smith18984: Add auto-apply with debounce to non-mutually...
2022-05-31 Lucas Di Pentima18787: Removes debugging console logging messages. 18787-file-browser-rerendering-fix
2022-05-30 Lucas Di Pentima18787: Fixes test.
2022-05-30 Lucas Di Pentima18787: Removes unnecessary prop mapping code.
2022-05-30 Lucas Di Pentima18787: Further improves code readability.
2022-05-30 Lucas Di Pentima18787: Fixes rebasing issues.
2022-05-30 Lucas Di Pentima18787: Fix post rebase
2022-05-30 Lucas Di Pentima18787: WIP -- commit to test jenkins test pipeline.
2022-05-30 Lucas Di Pentima18787: Removes remaining traces of old big collection...
2022-05-30 Lucas Di Pentima18787: Avoids doing useless webdav PROPFIND calls with...
2022-05-30 Lucas Di Pentima18787: Attempts to diminish the indentation madness...
2022-05-26 Stephen Smith19894: Show dirty indicator on process type filter
2022-05-26 Stephen Smith18984: Add indeterminate ui for process type filters
2022-05-24 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '16115-sharing-links'. Closes #16115
2022-05-23 Peter AmstutzMerge branch '16583-intermediate-collections' refs...
2022-05-13 Stephen SmithMerge branch '19049-vm-admin-rough-edges' into main...
2022-05-12 Stephen Smith19049: Make participant select read only when editing...
2022-04-19 Stephen Smith16068: Merge branch 'main' of git.arvados.org:arvados...
2022-04-14 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18972-all-procs-flickering-fix'. Closes...
2022-04-14 Lucas Di Pentima18972: Improves implementation on DataExplorer's "loadi... 18972-all-procs-flickering-fix
2022-04-12 Lucas Di Pentima18972: Records the last refresh click on localStorage...
2022-04-12 Lucas Di Pentima18972: Avoids data table flickering when reloading...
2022-04-06 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '18834-uploading-a-file-into-a-subdirector...
2022-04-05 Daniel Kutyła18834: Unit tests added 18834-uploading-a-file-into-a-subdirectory-of-a-collection-does-not-work
2022-04-05 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18966-collection-not-found-ui'. Closes... 2.4.0
2022-04-04 Stephen SmithMerge branch '18559-user-profile' into main. Closes...
2022-04-04 Stephen Smith18559: Add context menu filter system for more complex...
2022-03-31 Stephen Smith18559: Add copy to clipboard to rendered UUIDs
2022-03-30 Stephen Smith18559: Add tri-state account status indicator and assoc...
2022-03-29 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '16672-live-container-logs'. Closes #16672
2022-03-29 Stephen Smith18559: Add adminOnly context menu item flag
2022-03-28 Stephen Smith18559: Move user admin functions to context menu
2022-03-28 Lucas Di Pentima16672: Fixes cypress tests by fixing layout issues. 16672-live-container-logs
2022-03-28 Daniel Kutyła18834: Fixed uploading file to a subdirectory, added...
2022-03-25 Lucas Di Pentima16672: Adds Cypress tests on process logs viewing.
2022-03-25 Lucas Di Pentima16672: Implements 'auto-follow' mode when log view...
2022-03-25 Lucas Di Pentima16672: Adds renderer for UUID & PDH links on the log...
2022-03-25 Lucas Di Pentima16672: Adds font size control to the log viewer.
2022-03-25 Lucas Di Pentima16672: Adds toggable word-wrapping to the log panel.
2022-03-25 Lucas Di Pentima16672: Adds new prop to MPVContent: max height when...
2022-03-25 Lucas Di Pentima16672: Fixes panels' vertical space layout issues.
2022-03-25 Lucas Di Pentima16672: Improves UX by avoiding to instantly focus on...
2022-03-18 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '18549-global-search-results-show-path...
2022-03-16 Daniel Kutyła18549: Layout fixed, tests updated 18549-global-search-results-show-path
2022-03-02 Stephen Smith18559: Disable user profile form fields when not admin...
2022-02-18 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18560-wb2-vocabulary-picking'. Closes...
2022-02-16 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18315-collection-panel-refresh'. Closes...
2022-02-16 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '18594-Collection-Advanced-Menu-is-trying...
2022-02-15 Lucas Di Pentima18315: Removes unnecessary state handling code.
2022-02-15 Lucas Di Pentima18315: Only limit the fetchData() call on PDH changes.
2022-02-15 Lucas Di Pentima18315: Adds test exposing bug in file browser.
2022-02-14 Stephen SmithMerge branch '18284-vm-listing' into main. Closes ...
2022-02-04 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18661-refresh-flicker-fix'. Closes #18661
2022-02-03 Lucas Di Pentima18661: Fixes the '<div> cannot appear as a child of...
2022-02-01 Stephen Smith18284: Add regex pattern option to chips-input for...
2022-01-25 Stephen Smith18284: Resolve bugs in VM listing and add login adminis...
2022-01-19 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '18207-Workbench2-is-not-clearing-the...
2022-01-18 Lucas Di Pentima18207: Makes 'working' status work in 'Shared with... 18207-Workbench2-is-not-clearing-the-project-content-when-switching
2022-01-18 Daniel Kutyła18207: Added common icon and removed code duplication
2022-01-14 Daniel Kutyła18207: Replaced loader with null to be consistent with...
2022-01-12 Daniel KutyłaMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 18207...
2022-01-05 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18219-props-in-collection-details-panel...
2021-12-17 Daniel KutyłaMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 18207...
2021-12-17 Lucas Di Pentima18219: Disables custom props forwarding on MPV componen...
2021-12-16 Stephen SmithMerge branch '18123-group-edit-page-rebase1' into main...
2021-12-16 Daniel KutyłaMerge branch '17579-Clear-table-filter-when-changing...
2021-12-15 Daniel Kutyła17579: added better description for the test 17579-Clear-table-filter-when-changing-the-project
2021-12-12 Stephen Smith18123: Use fa-users icon for groups
2021-12-10 Daniel Kutyła17579: added check if search input contains value
2021-12-08 Daniel KutyłaMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into 17579...
2021-12-07 Daniel Kutyła17579: Fixed test issues removed not required files
2021-12-03 Lucas Di PentimaMerge branch '18128-multi-panel-view' into main. Closes...
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Fixes triple negation. 18128-multi-panel-view
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Fixes unit test due to behavior change.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Adds panel indication and auto-scroll on mouse...
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Improves collection's view different panels...
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Adds unit tests.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Makes the toggle button bar always visible.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Improves process panel.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Fixes app's main content layouts.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Adds panel maximizing capabilities.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Adds ability to set up initial per-panel visibility.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Exports a common type for panel implementors...
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Improves toggle button bar's alignment & separation.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Adds better styling to the toggle bar.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Show [X] close button on individual panels.
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Adds Multi Panel View (MPV for short) component...
2021-12-02 Lucas Di Pentima18128: Removes unused code.
2021-12-02 Daniel Kutyła17579: Added search input clear after project change