// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import * as React from "react"; import { mount, configure } from "enzyme"; import { SearchBarView, DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEBOUNCE } from "./search-bar-view"; import * as Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'; configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); describe("", () => { jest.useFakeTimers(); let onSearch: () => void; beforeEach(() => { onSearch = jest.fn(); }); describe("on submit", () => { it("calls onSearch with current value", () => { const searchBar = mount(); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "current value" } }); searchBar.find("form").simulate("submit"); expect(onSearch).toBeCalledWith("current value"); }); it("calls onSearch with new value passed via props", () => { const searchBar = mount(); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "new value" } }); searchBar.setProps({ value: "new value" }); searchBar.find("form").simulate("submit"); expect(onSearch).toBeCalledWith("new value"); }); it("cancels timeout set on input value change", () => { const searchBar = mount(); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "current value" } }); searchBar.find("form").simulate("submit"); jest.runTimersToTime(1000); expect(onSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(onSearch).toBeCalledWith("current value"); }); }); describe("on input value change", () => { it("calls onSearch after default timeout", () => { const searchBar = mount(); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "current value" } }); expect(onSearch).not.toBeCalled(); jest.runTimersToTime(DEFAULT_SEARCH_DEBOUNCE); expect(onSearch).toBeCalledWith("current value"); }); it("calls onSearch after the time specified in props has passed", () => { const searchBar = mount(); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "current value" } }); jest.runTimersToTime(1000); expect(onSearch).not.toBeCalled(); jest.runTimersToTime(1000); expect(onSearch).toBeCalledWith("current value"); }); it("calls onSearch only once after no change happened during the specified time", () => { const searchBar = mount(); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "current value" } }); jest.runTimersToTime(500); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "changed value" } }); jest.runTimersToTime(1000); expect(onSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it("calls onSearch again after the specified time has passed since previous call", () => { const searchBar = mount(); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "current value" } }); jest.runTimersToTime(500); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "intermediate value" } }); jest.runTimersToTime(1000); expect(onSearch).toBeCalledWith("intermediate value"); searchBar.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "latest value" } }); jest.runTimersToTime(1000); expect(onSearch).toBeCalledWith("latest value"); expect(onSearch).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); }); }); const mockSearchProps = () => ({ currentView: '', open: true, onSetView: jest.fn(), openView: jest.fn(), loseView: jest.fn(), closeView: jest.fn(), saveQuery: jest.fn(), loadQueries: () => ['test'] });