// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { RootState } from "store/store"; import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { initialize, reset } from "redux-form"; import { ServiceRepository } from "services/services"; import { bindDataExplorerActions } from "store/data-explorer/data-explorer-action"; import { propertiesActions } from 'store/properties/properties-actions'; import { getProperty } from 'store/properties/properties'; import { snackbarActions, SnackbarKind } from "store/snackbar/snackbar-actions"; import { updateResources } from "store/resources/resources-actions"; import { dialogActions } from "store/dialog/dialog-actions"; export const USER_PROFILE_PANEL_ID = 'userProfilePanel'; export const USER_PROFILE_FORM = 'userProfileForm'; export const DEACTIVATE_DIALOG = 'deactivateDialog'; export const SETUP_DIALOG = 'setupDialog'; export const IS_PROFILE_INACCESSIBLE = 'isProfileInaccessible'; export const UserProfileGroupsActions = bindDataExplorerActions(USER_PROFILE_PANEL_ID); export const getCurrentUserProfilePanelUuid = getProperty(USER_PROFILE_PANEL_ID); export const getUserProfileIsInaccessible = getProperty(IS_PROFILE_INACCESSIBLE); export const loadUserProfilePanel = (userUuid?: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { // Reset isInacessible to ensure error screen is hidden dispatch(propertiesActions.SET_PROPERTY({ key: IS_PROFILE_INACCESSIBLE, value: false })); // Get user uuid from route or use current user uuid const uuid = userUuid || getState().auth.user?.uuid; if (uuid) { await dispatch(propertiesActions.SET_PROPERTY({ key: USER_PROFILE_PANEL_ID, value: uuid })); try { const user = await services.userService.get(uuid, false); dispatch(initialize(USER_PROFILE_FORM, user)); dispatch(updateResources([user])); dispatch(UserProfileGroupsActions.REQUEST_ITEMS()); } catch (e) { if (e.status === 404) { await dispatch(propertiesActions.SET_PROPERTY({ key: IS_PROFILE_INACCESSIBLE, value: true })); dispatch(reset(USER_PROFILE_FORM)); } else { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: 'Could not load user profile', kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR })); } } } } export const saveEditedUser = (resource: any) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { try { const user = await services.userService.update(resource.uuid, resource); dispatch(updateResources([user])); dispatch(initialize(USER_PROFILE_FORM, user)); dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: "Profile has been updated.", hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.SUCCESS })); } catch (e) { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: "Could not update profile", kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR, })); } }; export const openDeactivateDialog = (uuid: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(dialogActions.OPEN_DIALOG({ id: DEACTIVATE_DIALOG, data: { title: 'Deactivate user', text: 'Are you sure you want to deactivate this user?', confirmButtonLabel: 'Deactvate', uuid } })); } export const openSetupDialog = (uuid: string) => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(dialogActions.OPEN_DIALOG({ id: SETUP_DIALOG, data: { title: 'Setup user', text: 'Are you sure you want to setup this user?', confirmButtonLabel: 'Confirm', uuid } })); } export const setup = (uuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { try { const resources = await services.userService.setup(uuid); dispatch(updateResources(resources.items)); dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: "User has been setup", hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.SUCCESS })); } catch (e) { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: e.message, hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR })); } finally { dispatch(dialogActions.CLOSE_DIALOG({ id: SETUP_DIALOG })); } }; export const unsetup = (uuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { try { const user = await services.userService.unsetup(uuid); dispatch(updateResources([user])); dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: "User has been deactivated.", hideDuration: 2000, kind: SnackbarKind.SUCCESS })); } catch (e) { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: "Could not deactivate user", kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR, })); } };