// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { treePickerActions } from "store/tree-picker/tree-picker-actions"; import { RootState } from 'store/store'; import { getUserUuid } from "common/getuser"; import { ServiceRepository } from 'services/services'; import { FilterBuilder } from 'services/api/filter-builder'; import { resourcesActions } from 'store/resources/resources-actions'; import { getTreePicker, TreePicker } from 'store/tree-picker/tree-picker'; import { getNodeAncestors, getNodeAncestorsIds, getNode, TreeNode, initTreeNode, TreeNodeStatus } from 'models/tree'; import { ProjectResource } from 'models/project'; import { OrderBuilder } from 'services/api/order-builder'; import { ResourceKind } from 'models/resource'; import { CategoriesListReducer } from 'common/plugintypes'; import { pluginConfig } from 'plugins'; import { LinkClass } from 'models/link'; export enum SidePanelTreeCategory { PROJECTS = 'Home Projects', SHARED_WITH_ME = 'Shared with me', PUBLIC_FAVORITES = 'Public Favorites', FAVORITES = 'My Favorites', TRASH = 'Trash', ALL_PROCESSES = 'All Processes', GROUPS = 'Groups', } export const SIDE_PANEL_TREE = 'sidePanelTree'; const TREE_NODE_LIMIT = 50 export const getSidePanelTree = (treePicker: TreePicker) => getTreePicker(SIDE_PANEL_TREE)(treePicker); export const getSidePanelTreeBranch = (uuid: string) => (treePicker: TreePicker): Array> => { const tree = getSidePanelTree(treePicker); if (tree) { const ancestors = getNodeAncestors(uuid)(tree); const node = getNode(uuid)(tree); if (node) { return [...ancestors, node]; } } return []; }; let SIDE_PANEL_CATEGORIES: string[] = [ SidePanelTreeCategory.PROJECTS, SidePanelTreeCategory.SHARED_WITH_ME, SidePanelTreeCategory.PUBLIC_FAVORITES, SidePanelTreeCategory.FAVORITES, SidePanelTreeCategory.GROUPS, SidePanelTreeCategory.ALL_PROCESSES, SidePanelTreeCategory.TRASH ]; const reduceCatsFn: (a: string[], b: CategoriesListReducer) => string[] = (a, b) => b(a); SIDE_PANEL_CATEGORIES = pluginConfig.sidePanelCategories.reduce(reduceCatsFn, SIDE_PANEL_CATEGORIES); export const isSidePanelTreeCategory = (id: string) => SIDE_PANEL_CATEGORIES.some(category => category === id); export const initSidePanelTree = () => (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, { authService }: ServiceRepository) => { const rootProjectUuid = getUserUuid(getState()); if (!rootProjectUuid) { return; } const nodes = SIDE_PANEL_CATEGORIES.map(id => { if (id === SidePanelTreeCategory.PROJECTS) { return initTreeNode({ id: rootProjectUuid, value: SidePanelTreeCategory.PROJECTS }); } else { return initTreeNode({ id, value: id }); } }); dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS({ id: '', pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE, nodes })); SIDE_PANEL_CATEGORIES.forEach(category => { if (category !== SidePanelTreeCategory.PROJECTS && category !== SidePanelTreeCategory.FAVORITES && category !== SidePanelTreeCategory.PUBLIC_FAVORITES ) { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS({ id: category, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE, nodes: [] })); } }); }; export const loadSidePanelTreeProjects = (projectUuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const treePicker = getTreePicker(SIDE_PANEL_TREE)(getState().treePicker); const node = treePicker ? getNode(projectUuid)(treePicker) : undefined; if (projectUuid === SidePanelTreeCategory.PUBLIC_FAVORITES) { await dispatch(loadPublicFavorites); } else if (projectUuid === SidePanelTreeCategory.FAVORITES) { await dispatch(loadFavorites()); } else if (node || projectUuid !== '') { await dispatch(loadProject(projectUuid)); } }; const loadProject = (projectUuid: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, _: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id: projectUuid, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE })); const params = { filters: new FilterBuilder() .addEqual('owner_uuid', projectUuid) .getFilters(), order: new OrderBuilder() .addAsc('name') .getOrder() }; const { items } = await services.projectService.list(params); dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS({ id: projectUuid, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE, nodes: items.map(item => initTreeNode({ id: item.uuid, value: item })), })); dispatch(resourcesActions.SET_RESOURCES(items)); }; export const loadFavorites =()=> async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id: SidePanelTreeCategory.FAVORITES, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE })); const params = { filters: new FilterBuilder() .addEqual("link_class", LinkClass.STAR) .addEqual('tail_uuid', getUserUuid(getState())) .addEqual('tail_kind', ResourceKind.USER) .getFilters(), order: new OrderBuilder() .addDesc('createdAt') .getOrder(), limit: 50 } const { items } = await services.linkService.list(params); dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS({ id: SidePanelTreeCategory.FAVORITES, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE, nodes: items.map(item => initTreeNode({ id: item.headUuid, value: item })), })); dispatch(resourcesActions.SET_RESOURCES(items)); }; const loadPublicFavorites = async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id: SidePanelTreeCategory.PUBLIC_FAVORITES, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE })); const uuidPrefix = getState().auth.config.uuidPrefix; const publicProjectUuid = `${uuidPrefix}-j7d0g-publicfavorites`; const typeFilters = [ResourceKind.COLLECTION, ResourceKind.CONTAINER_REQUEST, ResourceKind.GROUP, ResourceKind.WORKFLOW]; const params = { filters: new FilterBuilder() .addEqual('link_class', LinkClass.STAR) .addEqual('owner_uuid', publicProjectUuid) .addIsA('head_uuid', typeFilters) .getFilters(), order: new OrderBuilder() .addDesc('createdAt') .getOrder(), limit: TREE_NODE_LIMIT }; const { items } = await services.linkService.list(params); dispatch(treePickerActions.LOAD_TREE_PICKER_NODE_SUCCESS({ id: SidePanelTreeCategory.PUBLIC_FAVORITES, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE, nodes: items.map(item => initTreeNode({ id: item.headUuid, value: item })), })); dispatch(resourcesActions.SET_RESOURCES(items)); }; export const activateSidePanelTreeItem = (id: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const node = getSidePanelTreeNode(id)(getState().treePicker); if (node && !node.active) { dispatch(treePickerActions.ACTIVATE_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE })); } if (!isSidePanelTreeCategory(id)) { await dispatch(activateSidePanelTreeProject(id)); } }; export const activateSidePanelTreeProject = (id: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const { treePicker } = getState(); const node = getSidePanelTreeNode(id)(treePicker); if (node && node.status !== TreeNodeStatus.LOADED) { await dispatch(loadSidePanelTreeProjects(id)); } else if (node === undefined) { await dispatch(activateSidePanelTreeBranch(id)); } dispatch(treePickerActions.EXPAND_TREE_PICKER_NODES({ ids: getSidePanelTreeNodeAncestorsIds(id)(treePicker), pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE })); dispatch(expandSidePanelTreeItem(id)); }; export const activateSidePanelTreeBranch = (id: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const userUuid = getUserUuid(getState()); if (!userUuid) { return; } const ancestors = await services.ancestorsService.ancestors(id, userUuid); for (const ancestor of ancestors) { await dispatch(loadSidePanelTreeProjects(ancestor.uuid)); } dispatch(treePickerActions.EXPAND_TREE_PICKER_NODES({ ids: ancestors.map(ancestor => ancestor.uuid), pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE })); dispatch(treePickerActions.ACTIVATE_TREE_PICKER_NODE({ id, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE })); }; export const toggleSidePanelTreeItemCollapse = (id: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const node = getSidePanelTreeNode(id)(getState().treePicker); if (node && node.status === TreeNodeStatus.INITIAL) { await dispatch(loadSidePanelTreeProjects(node.id)); } dispatch(treePickerActions.TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_COLLAPSE({ id, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE })); }; export const expandSidePanelTreeItem = (id: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState) => { const node = getSidePanelTreeNode(id)(getState().treePicker); if (node && !node.expanded) { dispatch(treePickerActions.TOGGLE_TREE_PICKER_NODE_COLLAPSE({ id, pickerId: SIDE_PANEL_TREE })); } }; export const getSidePanelTreeNode = (id: string) => (treePicker: TreePicker) => { const sidePanelTree = getTreePicker(SIDE_PANEL_TREE)(treePicker); return sidePanelTree ? getNode(id)(sidePanelTree) : undefined; }; export const getSidePanelTreeNodeAncestorsIds = (id: string) => (treePicker: TreePicker) => { const sidePanelTree = getTreePicker(SIDE_PANEL_TREE)(treePicker); return sidePanelTree ? getNodeAncestorsIds(id)(sidePanelTree) : []; };