// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0

import React from 'react';
import { mount, configure } from 'enzyme';
import { ProcessStatus, ResourceFileSize } from './renderers';
import Adapter from "enzyme-adapter-react-16";
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'
import { ResourceKind } from '../../models/resource';
import { ContainerRequestState as CR } from '../../models/container-request';
import { ContainerState as C } from '../../models/container';
import { ProcessStatus as PS } from '../../store/processes/process';

const middlewares = [];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);

configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });

describe('renderers', () => {
    let props = null;

    describe('ProcessStatus', () => {
        props = {
            uuid: 'zzzzz-xvhdp-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz',
            theme: {
                customs: {
                    colors: {
                        // Color values are arbitrary, but they should be
                        // representative of the colors used in the UI.
                        blue500: 'rgb(0, 0, 255)',
                        green700: 'rgb(0, 255, 0)',
                        yellow700: 'rgb(255, 255, 0)',
                        red900: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
                        orange: 'rgb(240, 173, 78)',
                        grey500: 'rgb(128, 128, 128)',
                spacing: {
                    unit: 8,
                palette: {
                    common: {
                        white: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',

            // CR Status ; Priority ; C Status ; Exit Code ; C RuntimeStatus ; Expected label ; Expected Color
            [CR.COMMITTED, 1, C.RUNNING, null, {}, PS.RUNNING, props.theme.customs.colors.blue500],
            [CR.COMMITTED, 1, C.RUNNING, null, {error: 'whoops'}, PS.FAILING, props.theme.customs.colors.orange],
            [CR.COMMITTED, 1, C.RUNNING, null, {warning: 'watch out!'}, PS.WARNING, props.theme.customs.colors.yellow700],
            [CR.FINAL, 1, C.CANCELLED, null, {}, PS.CANCELLED, props.theme.customs.colors.red900],
            [CR.FINAL, 1, C.COMPLETE, 137, {}, PS.FAILED, props.theme.customs.colors.red900],
            [CR.FINAL, 1, C.COMPLETE, 0, {}, PS.COMPLETED, props.theme.customs.colors.green700],
            [CR.COMMITTED, 0, C.LOCKED, null, {}, PS.ONHOLD, props.theme.customs.colors.grey500],
            [CR.COMMITTED, 0, C.QUEUED, null, {}, PS.ONHOLD, props.theme.customs.colors.grey500],
            [CR.COMMITTED, 1, C.LOCKED, null, {}, PS.QUEUED, props.theme.customs.colors.grey500],
            [CR.COMMITTED, 1, C.QUEUED, null, {}, PS.QUEUED, props.theme.customs.colors.grey500],
        ].forEach(([crState, crPrio, cState, exitCode, rs, eLabel, eColor]) => {
            it(`should render the state label '${eLabel}' and color '${eColor}' for CR state=${crState}, priority=${crPrio}, C state=${cState}, exitCode=${exitCode} and RuntimeStatus=${JSON.stringify(rs)}`, () => {
                const containerUuid = 'zzzzz-dz642-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz';
                const store = mockStore({ resources: {
                    [props.uuid]: {
                        kind: ResourceKind.CONTAINER_REQUEST,
                        state: crState,
                        containerUuid: containerUuid,
                        priority: crPrio,
                    [containerUuid]: {
                        kind: ResourceKind.CONTAINER,
                        state: cState,
                        runtimeStatus: rs,
                        exitCode: exitCode,

                const wrapper = mount(<Provider store={store}>
                        <ProcessStatus {...props} />


    describe('ResourceFileSize', () => {
        beforeEach(() => {
            props = {
                uuid: 'UUID',

        it('should render collection fileSizeTotal', () => {
            // given
            const store = mockStore({ resources: {
                [props.uuid]: {
                    kind: ResourceKind.COLLECTION,
                    fileSizeTotal: 100,

            // when
            const wrapper = mount(<Provider store={store}>
                <ResourceFileSize {...props}></ResourceFileSize>

            // then
            expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('100 B');

        it('should render 0 B as file size', () => {
            // given
            const store = mockStore({ resources: {} });

            // when
            const wrapper = mount(<Provider store={store}>
                <ResourceFileSize {...props}></ResourceFileSize>

            // then
            expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('0 B');

        it('should render empty string for non collection resource', () => {
            // given
            const store1 = mockStore({ resources: {
                [props.uuid]: {
                    kind: ResourceKind.PROJECT,
            const store2 = mockStore({ resources: {
                [props.uuid]: {
                    kind: ResourceKind.PROJECT,

            // when
            const wrapper1 = mount(<Provider store={store1}>
                <ResourceFileSize {...props}></ResourceFileSize>
            const wrapper2 = mount(<Provider store={store2}>
                <ResourceFileSize {...props}></ResourceFileSize>

            // then