// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import React from 'react'; import { Grid, Typography, withStyles, Tooltip, IconButton, Checkbox, Chip } from '@material-ui/core'; import { FavoriteStar, PublicFavoriteStar } from '../favorite-star/favorite-star'; import { Resource, ResourceKind, TrashableResource } from 'models/resource'; import { FreezeIcon, ProjectIcon, FilterGroupIcon, CollectionIcon, ProcessIcon, DefaultIcon, ShareIcon, CollectionOldVersionIcon, WorkflowIcon, RemoveIcon, RenameIcon, ActiveIcon, SetupIcon, InactiveIcon, } from 'components/icon/icon'; import { formatDate, formatFileSize, formatTime } from 'common/formatters'; import { resourceLabel } from 'common/labels'; import { connect, DispatchProp } from 'react-redux'; import { RootState } from 'store/store'; import { getResource, filterResources } from 'store/resources/resources'; import { GroupContentsResource } from 'services/groups-service/groups-service'; import { getProcess, Process, getProcessStatus, getProcessStatusColor, getProcessRuntime } from 'store/processes/process'; import { ArvadosTheme } from 'common/custom-theme'; import { compose, Dispatch } from 'redux'; import { WorkflowResource } from 'models/workflow'; import { ResourceStatus as WorkflowStatus } from 'views/workflow-panel/workflow-panel-view'; import { getUuidPrefix, openRunProcess } from 'store/workflow-panel/workflow-panel-actions'; import { openSharingDialog } from 'store/sharing-dialog/sharing-dialog-actions'; import { getUserFullname, getUserDisplayName, User, UserResource } from 'models/user'; import { toggleIsAdmin } from 'store/users/users-actions'; import { LinkClass, LinkResource } from 'models/link'; import { navigateTo, navigateToGroupDetails, navigateToUserProfile } from 'store/navigation/navigation-action'; import { withResourceData } from 'views-components/data-explorer/with-resources'; import { CollectionResource } from 'models/collection'; import { IllegalNamingWarning } from 'components/warning/warning'; import { loadResource } from 'store/resources/resources-actions'; import { BuiltinGroups, getBuiltinGroupUuid, GroupClass, GroupResource, isBuiltinGroup } from 'models/group'; import { openRemoveGroupMemberDialog } from 'store/group-details-panel/group-details-panel-actions'; import { setMemberIsHidden } from 'store/group-details-panel/group-details-panel-actions'; import { formatPermissionLevel } from 'views-components/sharing-dialog/permission-select'; import { PermissionLevel } from 'models/permission'; import { openPermissionEditContextMenu } from 'store/context-menu/context-menu-actions'; import { getUserUuid } from 'common/getuser'; import { VirtualMachinesResource } from 'models/virtual-machines'; import { CopyToClipboardSnackbar } from 'components/copy-to-clipboard-snackbar/copy-to-clipboard-snackbar'; import { ProjectResource } from 'models/project'; const renderName = (dispatch: Dispatch, item: GroupContentsResource) => { const navFunc = ("groupClass" in item && item.groupClass === GroupClass.ROLE ? navigateToGroupDetails : navigateTo); return {renderIcon(item)} dispatch(navFunc(item.uuid))}> {item.kind === ResourceKind.PROJECT || item.kind === ResourceKind.COLLECTION ? : null} {item.name} { item.kind === ResourceKind.PROJECT && } ; }; const FrozenProject = (props: {item: ProjectResource}) => { const [fullUsername, setFullusername] = React.useState(null); const getFullName = React.useCallback(() => { if (props.item.frozenByUuid) { setFullusername(); } }, [props.item, setFullusername]) if (props.item.frozenByUuid) { return Project was frozen by {fullUsername}}> ; } else { return null; } } export const ResourceName = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource; })((resource: GroupContentsResource & DispatchProp) => renderName(resource.dispatch, resource)); const renderIcon = (item: GroupContentsResource) => { switch (item.kind) { case ResourceKind.PROJECT: if (item.groupClass === GroupClass.FILTER) { return ; } return ; case ResourceKind.COLLECTION: if (item.uuid === item.currentVersionUuid) { return ; } return ; case ResourceKind.PROCESS: return ; case ResourceKind.WORKFLOW: return ; default: return ; } }; const renderDate = (date?: string) => { return {formatDate(date)}; }; const renderWorkflowName = (item: WorkflowResource) => {renderIcon(item)} {item.name} ; export const ResourceWorkflowName = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource; })(renderWorkflowName); const getPublicUuid = (uuidPrefix: string) => { return `${uuidPrefix}-tpzed-anonymouspublic`; }; const resourceShare = (dispatch: Dispatch, uuidPrefix: string, ownerUuid?: string, uuid?: string) => { const isPublic = ownerUuid === getPublicUuid(uuidPrefix); return (
{!isPublic && uuid && dispatch(openSharingDialog(uuid))}> }
); }; export const ResourceShare = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const uuidPrefix = getUuidPrefix(state); return { uuid: resource ? resource.uuid : '', ownerUuid: resource ? resource.ownerUuid : '', uuidPrefix }; })((props: { ownerUuid?: string, uuidPrefix: string, uuid?: string } & DispatchProp) => resourceShare(props.dispatch, props.uuidPrefix, props.ownerUuid, props.uuid)); // User Resources const renderFirstName = (item: { firstName: string }) => { return {item.firstName}; }; export const ResourceFirstName = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource || { firstName: '' }; })(renderFirstName); const renderLastName = (item: { lastName: string }) => {item.lastName}; export const ResourceLastName = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource || { lastName: '' }; })(renderLastName); const renderFullName = (dispatch: Dispatch, item: { uuid: string, firstName: string, lastName: string }, link?: boolean) => { const displayName = (item.firstName + " " + item.lastName).trim() || item.uuid; return link ? dispatch(navigateToUserProfile(item.uuid))}> {displayName} : {displayName}; } export const UserResourceFullName = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string, link?: boolean }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { item: resource || { uuid: '', firstName: '', lastName: '' }, link: props.link }; })((props: { item: { uuid: string, firstName: string, lastName: string }, link?: boolean } & DispatchProp) => renderFullName(props.dispatch, props.item, props.link)); const renderUuid = (item: { uuid: string }) => {item.uuid} ; export const ResourceUuid = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => ( getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources) || { uuid: '' } ))(renderUuid); const renderEmail = (item: { email: string }) => {item.email}; export const ResourceEmail = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource || { email: '' }; })(renderEmail); enum UserAccountStatus { ACTIVE = 'Active', INACTIVE = 'Inactive', SETUP = 'Setup', UNKNOWN = '' } const renderAccountStatus = (props: { status: UserAccountStatus }) => {(() => { switch (props.status) { case UserAccountStatus.ACTIVE: return ; case UserAccountStatus.SETUP: return ; case UserAccountStatus.INACTIVE: return ; default: return <>; } })()} {props.status} ; const getUserAccountStatus = (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const user = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); // Get membership links for all users group const allUsersGroupUuid = getBuiltinGroupUuid(state.auth.localCluster, BuiltinGroups.ALL); const permissions = filterResources((resource: LinkResource) => resource.kind === ResourceKind.LINK && resource.linkClass === LinkClass.PERMISSION && resource.headUuid === allUsersGroupUuid && resource.tailUuid === props.uuid )(state.resources); if (user) { return user.isActive ? { status: UserAccountStatus.ACTIVE } : permissions.length > 0 ? { status: UserAccountStatus.SETUP } : { status: UserAccountStatus.INACTIVE }; } else { return { status: UserAccountStatus.UNKNOWN }; } } export const ResourceLinkTailAccountStatus = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const link = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return link && link.tailKind === ResourceKind.USER ? getUserAccountStatus(state, { uuid: link.tailUuid }) : { status: UserAccountStatus.UNKNOWN }; })(renderAccountStatus); export const UserResourceAccountStatus = connect(getUserAccountStatus)(renderAccountStatus); const renderIsHidden = (props: { memberLinkUuid: string, permissionLinkUuid: string, visible: boolean, canManage: boolean, setMemberIsHidden: (memberLinkUuid: string, permissionLinkUuid: string, hide: boolean) => void }) => { if (props.memberLinkUuid) { return { e.stopPropagation(); props.setMemberIsHidden(props.memberLinkUuid, props.permissionLinkUuid, !props.visible); }} />; } else { return ; } } export const ResourceLinkTailIsVisible = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const link = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const member = getResource(link?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources); const group = getResource(link?.headUuid || '')(state.resources); const permissions = filterResources((resource: LinkResource) => { return resource.linkClass === LinkClass.PERMISSION && resource.headUuid === link?.tailUuid && resource.tailUuid === group?.uuid && resource.name === PermissionLevel.CAN_READ; })(state.resources); const permissionLinkUuid = permissions.length > 0 ? permissions[0].uuid : ''; const isVisible = link && group && permissions.length > 0; // Consider whether the current user canManage this resurce in addition when it's possible const isBuiltin = isBuiltinGroup(link?.headUuid || ''); return member?.kind === ResourceKind.USER ? { memberLinkUuid: link?.uuid, permissionLinkUuid, visible: isVisible, canManage: !isBuiltin } : { memberLinkUuid: '', permissionLinkUuid: '', visible: false, canManage: false }; }, { setMemberIsHidden } )(renderIsHidden); const renderIsAdmin = (props: { uuid: string, isAdmin: boolean, toggleIsAdmin: (uuid: string) => void }) => { e.stopPropagation(); props.toggleIsAdmin(props.uuid); }} />; export const ResourceIsAdmin = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource || { isAdmin: false }; }, { toggleIsAdmin } )(renderIsAdmin); const renderUsername = (item: { username: string, uuid: string }) => {item.username || item.uuid}; export const ResourceUsername = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource || { username: '', uuid: props.uuid }; })(renderUsername); // Virtual machine resource const renderHostname = (item: { hostname: string }) => {item.hostname}; export const VirtualMachineHostname = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource || { hostname: '' }; })(renderHostname); const renderVirtualMachineLogin = (login: { user: string }) => {login.user} export const VirtualMachineLogin = connect( (state: RootState, props: { linkUuid: string }) => { const permission = getResource(props.linkUuid)(state.resources); const user = getResource(permission?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources); return { user: user?.username || permission?.tailUuid || '' }; })(renderVirtualMachineLogin); // Common methods const renderCommonData = (data: string) => {data}; const renderCommonDate = (date: string) => {formatDate(date)}; export const CommonUuid = withResourceData('uuid', renderCommonData); // Api Client Authorizations export const TokenApiClientId = withResourceData('apiClientId', renderCommonData); export const TokenApiToken = withResourceData('apiToken', renderCommonData); export const TokenCreatedByIpAddress = withResourceData('createdByIpAddress', renderCommonDate); export const TokenDefaultOwnerUuid = withResourceData('defaultOwnerUuid', renderCommonData); export const TokenExpiresAt = withResourceData('expiresAt', renderCommonDate); export const TokenLastUsedAt = withResourceData('lastUsedAt', renderCommonDate); export const TokenLastUsedByIpAddress = withResourceData('lastUsedByIpAddress', renderCommonData); export const TokenScopes = withResourceData('scopes', renderCommonData); export const TokenUserId = withResourceData('userId', renderCommonData); const clusterColors = [ ['#f44336', '#fff'], ['#2196f3', '#fff'], ['#009688', '#fff'], ['#cddc39', '#fff'], ['#ff9800', '#fff'] ]; export const ResourceCluster = (props: { uuid: string }) => { const CLUSTER_ID_LENGTH = 5; const pos = props.uuid.length > CLUSTER_ID_LENGTH ? props.uuid.indexOf('-') : 5; const clusterId = pos >= CLUSTER_ID_LENGTH ? props.uuid.substring(0, pos) : ''; const ci = pos >= CLUSTER_ID_LENGTH ? ((((( (props.uuid.charCodeAt(0) * props.uuid.charCodeAt(1)) + props.uuid.charCodeAt(2)) * props.uuid.charCodeAt(3)) + props.uuid.charCodeAt(4))) % clusterColors.length) : 0; return {clusterId}; }; // Links Resources const renderLinkName = (item: { name: string }) => {item.name || '(none)'}; export const ResourceLinkName = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource || { name: '' }; })(renderLinkName); const renderLinkClass = (item: { linkClass: string }) => {item.linkClass}; export const ResourceLinkClass = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource || { linkClass: '' }; })(renderLinkClass); const getResourceDisplayName = (resource: Resource): string => { if ((resource as UserResource).kind === ResourceKind.USER && typeof (resource as UserResource).firstName !== 'undefined') { // We can be sure the resource is UserResource return getUserDisplayName(resource as UserResource); } else { return (resource as GroupContentsResource).name; } } const renderResourceLink = (dispatch: Dispatch, item: Resource) => { var displayName = getResourceDisplayName(item); return dispatch(navigateTo(item.uuid))}> {resourceLabel(item.kind, item && item.kind === ResourceKind.GROUP ? (item as GroupResource).groupClass || '' : '')}: {displayName || item.uuid} ; }; export const ResourceLinkTail = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const tailResource = getResource(resource?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources); return { item: tailResource || { uuid: resource?.tailUuid || '', kind: resource?.tailKind || ResourceKind.NONE } }; })((props: { item: Resource } & DispatchProp) => renderResourceLink(props.dispatch, props.item)); export const ResourceLinkHead = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const headResource = getResource(resource?.headUuid || '')(state.resources); return { item: headResource || { uuid: resource?.headUuid || '', kind: resource?.headKind || ResourceKind.NONE } }; })((props: { item: Resource } & DispatchProp) => renderResourceLink(props.dispatch, props.item)); export const ResourceLinkUuid = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return resource || { uuid: '' }; })(renderUuid); export const ResourceLinkHeadUuid = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const link = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const headResource = getResource(link?.headUuid || '')(state.resources); return headResource || { uuid: '' }; })(renderUuid); export const ResourceLinkTailUuid = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const link = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const tailResource = getResource(link?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources); return tailResource || { uuid: '' }; })(renderUuid); const renderLinkDelete = (dispatch: Dispatch, item: LinkResource, canManage: boolean) => { if (item.uuid) { return canManage ? dispatch(openRemoveGroupMemberDialog(item.uuid))}> : ; } else { return ; } } export const ResourceLinkDelete = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const link = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const isBuiltin = isBuiltinGroup(link?.headUuid || '') || isBuiltinGroup(link?.tailUuid || ''); return { item: link || { uuid: '', kind: ResourceKind.NONE }, canManage: link && getResourceLinkCanManage(state, link) && !isBuiltin, }; })((props: { item: LinkResource, canManage: boolean } & DispatchProp) => renderLinkDelete(props.dispatch, props.item, props.canManage)); export const ResourceLinkTailEmail = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const link = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const resource = getResource(link?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources); return resource || { email: '' }; })(renderEmail); export const ResourceLinkTailUsername = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const link = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const resource = getResource(link?.tailUuid || '')(state.resources); return resource || { username: '' }; })(renderUsername); const renderPermissionLevel = (dispatch: Dispatch, link: LinkResource, canManage: boolean) => { return {formatPermissionLevel(link.name as PermissionLevel)} {canManage ? dispatch(openPermissionEditContextMenu(event, link))}> : '' } ; } export const ResourceLinkHeadPermissionLevel = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const link = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const isBuiltin = isBuiltinGroup(link?.headUuid || '') || isBuiltinGroup(link?.tailUuid || ''); return { link: link || { uuid: '', name: '', kind: ResourceKind.NONE }, canManage: link && getResourceLinkCanManage(state, link) && !isBuiltin, }; })((props: { link: LinkResource, canManage: boolean } & DispatchProp) => renderPermissionLevel(props.dispatch, props.link, props.canManage)); export const ResourceLinkTailPermissionLevel = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const link = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const isBuiltin = isBuiltinGroup(link?.headUuid || '') || isBuiltinGroup(link?.tailUuid || ''); return { link: link || { uuid: '', name: '', kind: ResourceKind.NONE }, canManage: link && getResourceLinkCanManage(state, link) && !isBuiltin, }; })((props: { link: LinkResource, canManage: boolean } & DispatchProp) => renderPermissionLevel(props.dispatch, props.link, props.canManage)); const getResourceLinkCanManage = (state: RootState, link: LinkResource) => { const headResource = getResource(link.headUuid)(state.resources); // const tailResource = getResource(link.tailUuid)(state.resources); const userUuid = getUserUuid(state); if (headResource && headResource.kind === ResourceKind.GROUP) { return userUuid ? (headResource as GroupResource).writableBy?.includes(userUuid) : false; } else { // true for now return true; } } // Process Resources const resourceRunProcess = (dispatch: Dispatch, uuid: string) => { return (
{uuid && dispatch(openRunProcess(uuid))}> }
); }; export const ResourceRunProcess = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { uuid: resource ? resource.uuid : '' }; })((props: { uuid: string } & DispatchProp) => resourceRunProcess(props.dispatch, props.uuid)); const renderWorkflowStatus = (uuidPrefix: string, ownerUuid?: string) => { if (ownerUuid === getPublicUuid(uuidPrefix)) { return renderStatus(WorkflowStatus.PUBLIC); } else { return renderStatus(WorkflowStatus.PRIVATE); } }; const renderStatus = (status: string) => {status}; export const ResourceWorkflowStatus = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const uuidPrefix = getUuidPrefix(state); return { ownerUuid: resource ? resource.ownerUuid : '', uuidPrefix }; })((props: { ownerUuid?: string, uuidPrefix: string }) => renderWorkflowStatus(props.uuidPrefix, props.ownerUuid)); export const ResourceLastModifiedDate = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { date: resource ? resource.modifiedAt : '' }; })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date)); export const ResourceCreatedAtDate = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { date: resource ? resource.createdAt : '' }; })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date)); export const ResourceTrashDate = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { date: resource ? resource.trashAt : '' }; })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date)); export const ResourceDeleteDate = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { date: resource ? resource.deleteAt : '' }; })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date)); export const renderFileSize = (fileSize?: number) => {formatFileSize(fileSize)} ; export const ResourceFileSize = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); if (resource && resource.kind !== ResourceKind.COLLECTION) { return { fileSize: '' }; } return { fileSize: resource ? resource.fileSizeTotal : 0 }; })((props: { fileSize?: number }) => renderFileSize(props.fileSize)); const renderOwner = (owner: string) => {owner} ; export const ResourceOwner = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { owner: resource ? resource.ownerUuid : '' }; })((props: { owner: string }) => renderOwner(props.owner)); export const ResourceOwnerName = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); const ownerNameState = state.ownerName; const ownerName = ownerNameState.find(it => it.uuid === resource!.ownerUuid); return { owner: ownerName ? ownerName!.name : resource!.ownerUuid }; })((props: { owner: string }) => renderOwner(props.owner)); const userFromID = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { let userFullname = ''; const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); if (resource) { userFullname = getUserFullname(resource as User) || (resource as GroupContentsResource).name; } return { uuid: props.uuid, userFullname }; }); const ownerFromResourceId = compose( connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const childResource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { uuid: childResource ? (childResource as Resource).ownerUuid : '' }; }), userFromID ); const _resourceWithName = withStyles({}, { withTheme: true }) ((props: { uuid: string, userFullname: string, dispatch: Dispatch, theme: ArvadosTheme }) => { const { uuid, userFullname, dispatch, theme } = props; if (userFullname === '') { dispatch(loadResource(uuid, false)); return {uuid} ; } return {userFullname} ({uuid}) ; }); export const ResourceOwnerWithName = ownerFromResourceId(_resourceWithName); export const ResourceWithName = userFromID(_resourceWithName); export const UserNameFromID = compose(userFromID)( (props: { uuid: string, displayAsText?: string, userFullname: string, dispatch: Dispatch }) => { const { uuid, userFullname, dispatch } = props; if (userFullname === '') { dispatch(loadResource(uuid, false)); } return {userFullname ? userFullname : uuid} ; }); export const ResponsiblePerson = compose( connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string, parentRef: HTMLElement | null }) => { let responsiblePersonName: string = ''; let responsiblePersonUUID: string = ''; let responsiblePersonProperty: string = ''; if (state.auth.config.clusterConfig.Collections.ManagedProperties) { let index = 0; const keys = Object.keys(state.auth.config.clusterConfig.Collections.ManagedProperties); while (!responsiblePersonProperty && keys[index]) { const key = keys[index]; if (state.auth.config.clusterConfig.Collections.ManagedProperties[key].Function === 'original_owner') { responsiblePersonProperty = key; } index++; } } let resource: Resource | undefined = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); while (resource && resource.kind !== ResourceKind.USER && responsiblePersonProperty) { responsiblePersonUUID = (resource as CollectionResource).properties[responsiblePersonProperty]; resource = getResource(responsiblePersonUUID)(state.resources); } if (resource && resource.kind === ResourceKind.USER) { responsiblePersonName = getUserFullname(resource as UserResource) || (resource as GroupContentsResource).name; } return { uuid: responsiblePersonUUID, responsiblePersonName, parentRef: props.parentRef }; }), withStyles({}, { withTheme: true })) ((props: { uuid: string | null, responsiblePersonName: string, parentRef: HTMLElement | null, theme: ArvadosTheme }) => { const { uuid, responsiblePersonName, parentRef, theme } = props; if (!uuid && parentRef) { parentRef.style.display = 'none'; return null; } else if (parentRef) { parentRef.style.display = 'block'; } if (!responsiblePersonName) { return {uuid} ; } return {responsiblePersonName} ({uuid}) ; }); const renderType = (type: string, subtype: string) => {resourceLabel(type, subtype)} ; export const ResourceType = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const resource = getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { type: resource ? resource.kind : '', subtype: resource && resource.kind === ResourceKind.GROUP ? resource.groupClass : '' }; })((props: { type: string, subtype: string }) => renderType(props.type, props.subtype)); export const ResourceStatus = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { return { resource: getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources) }; })((props: { resource: GroupContentsResource }) => (props.resource && props.resource.kind === ResourceKind.COLLECTION) ? : ); export const CollectionStatus = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { return { collection: getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources) }; })((props: { collection: CollectionResource }) => (props.collection.uuid !== props.collection.currentVersionUuid) ? version {props.collection.version} : head version ); export const CollectionName = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string, className?: string }) => { return { collection: getResource(props.uuid)(state.resources), uuid: props.uuid, className: props.className, }; })((props: { collection: CollectionResource, uuid: string, className?: string }) => {props.collection?.name || props.uuid} ); export const ProcessStatus = compose( connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { return { process: getProcess(props.uuid)(state.resources) }; }), withStyles({}, { withTheme: true })) ((props: { process?: Process, theme: ArvadosTheme }) => props.process ? : - ); export const ProcessStartDate = connect( (state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { const process = getProcess(props.uuid)(state.resources); return { date: (process && process.container) ? process.container.startedAt : '' }; })((props: { date: string }) => renderDate(props.date)); export const renderRunTime = (time: number) => {formatTime(time, true)} ; interface ContainerRunTimeProps { process: Process; } interface ContainerRunTimeState { runtime: number; } export const ContainerRunTime = connect((state: RootState, props: { uuid: string }) => { return { process: getProcess(props.uuid)(state.resources) }; })(class extends React.Component { private timer: any; constructor(props: ContainerRunTimeProps) { super(props); this.state = { runtime: this.getRuntime() }; } getRuntime() { return this.props.process ? getProcessRuntime(this.props.process) : 0; } updateRuntime() { this.setState({ runtime: this.getRuntime() }); } componentDidMount() { this.timer = setInterval(this.updateRuntime.bind(this), 5000); } componentWillUnmount() { clearInterval(this.timer); } render() { return renderRunTime(this.state.runtime); } });