// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { CollectionResource, defaultCollectionSelectedFields } from "models/collection"; import { AxiosInstance } from "axios"; import { CollectionFile, CollectionDirectory } from "models/collection-file"; import { WebDAV } from "common/webdav"; import { AuthService } from "../auth-service/auth-service"; import { extractFilesData } from "./collection-service-files-response"; import { TrashableResourceService } from "services/common-service/trashable-resource-service"; import { ApiActions } from "services/api/api-actions"; import { Session } from "models/session"; import { CommonService } from "services/common-service/common-service"; import { snakeCase } from "lodash"; import { CommonResourceServiceError } from "services/common-service/common-resource-service"; export type UploadProgress = (fileId: number, loaded: number, total: number, currentTime: number) => void; type CollectionPartialUpdateOrCreate = | (Partial & Pick) | (Partial & Pick); export const emptyCollectionPdh = "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e+0"; export const SOURCE_DESTINATION_EQUAL_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Source and destination cannot be the same"; export class CollectionService extends TrashableResourceService { constructor(serverApi: AxiosInstance, private keepWebdavClient: WebDAV, private authService: AuthService, actions: ApiActions) { super(serverApi, "collections", actions, [ "fileCount", "fileSizeTotal", "replicationConfirmed", "replicationConfirmedAt", "storageClassesConfirmed", "storageClassesConfirmedAt", "unsignedManifestText", "version", ]); } async get(uuid: string, showErrors?: boolean, select?: string[], session?: Session) { super.validateUuid(uuid); const selectParam = select || defaultCollectionSelectedFields; return super.get(uuid, showErrors, selectParam, session); } create(data?: Partial, showErrors?: boolean) { return super.create({ ...data, preserveVersion: true }, showErrors); } update(uuid: string, data: Partial, showErrors?: boolean) { const select = [...Object.keys(data), "version", "modifiedAt"]; return super.update(uuid, { ...data, preserveVersion: true }, showErrors, select); } async files(uuid: string) { const request = await this.keepWebdavClient.propfind(`c=${uuid}`); if (request.responseXML != null) { return extractFilesData(request.responseXML); } return Promise.reject(); } private combineFilePath(parts: string[]) { return parts.reduce((path, part) => { // Trim leading and trailing slashes const trimmedPart = part.split("/").filter(Boolean).join("/"); if (trimmedPart.length) { const separator = path.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/"; return `${path}${separator}${trimmedPart}`; } else { return path; } }, "/"); } private replaceFiles(data: CollectionPartialUpdateOrCreate, fileMap: {}, showErrors?: boolean) { const payload = { collection: { preserve_version: true, ...CommonService.mapKeys(snakeCase)(data), // Don't send uuid in payload when creating uuid: undefined, }, replace_files: fileMap, }; if (data.uuid) { return CommonService.defaultResponse( this.serverApi.put(`/${this.resourceType}/${data.uuid}`, payload), this.actions, true, // mapKeys showErrors ); } else { return CommonService.defaultResponse( this.serverApi.post(`/${this.resourceType}`, payload), this.actions, true, // mapKeys showErrors ); } } async uploadFiles(collectionUuid: string, files: File[], onProgress?: UploadProgress, targetLocation: string = "") { if (collectionUuid === "" || files.length === 0) { return; } // files have to be uploaded sequentially for (let idx = 0; idx < files.length; idx++) { await this.uploadFile(collectionUuid, files[idx], idx, onProgress, targetLocation); } await this.update(collectionUuid, { preserveVersion: true }); } async renameFile(collectionUuid: string, collectionPdh: string, oldPath: string, newPath: string) { return this.replaceFiles( { uuid: collectionUuid }, { [this.combineFilePath([newPath])]: `${collectionPdh}${this.combineFilePath([oldPath])}`, [this.combineFilePath([oldPath])]: "", } ); } extendFileURL = (file: CollectionDirectory | CollectionFile) => { const baseUrl = this.keepWebdavClient.getBaseUrl().endsWith("/") ? this.keepWebdavClient.getBaseUrl().slice(0, -1) : this.keepWebdavClient.getBaseUrl(); const apiToken = this.authService.getApiToken(); const encodedApiToken = apiToken ? encodeURI(apiToken) : ""; const userApiToken = `/t=${encodedApiToken}/`; const splittedPrevFileUrl = file.url.split("/"); const url = `${baseUrl}/${splittedPrevFileUrl[1]}${userApiToken}${splittedPrevFileUrl.slice(2).join("/")}`; return { ...file, url, }; }; async getFileContents(file: CollectionFile) { return (await this.keepWebdavClient.get(`c=${file.id}`)).response; } private async uploadFile( collectionUuid: string, file: File, fileId: number, onProgress: UploadProgress = () => { return; }, targetLocation: string = "" ) { const fileURL = `c=${targetLocation !== "" ? targetLocation : collectionUuid}/${file.name}`.replace("//", "/"); const requestConfig = { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/octet-stream", }, onUploadProgress: (e: ProgressEvent) => { onProgress(fileId, e.loaded, e.total, Date.now()); }, }; return this.keepWebdavClient.upload(fileURL, [file], requestConfig); } deleteFiles(collectionUuid: string, files: string[], showErrors?: boolean) { const optimizedFiles = files .sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length) .reduce((acc, currentPath) => { const parentPathFound = acc.find(parentPath => currentPath.indexOf(`${parentPath}/`) > -1); if (!parentPathFound) { return [...acc, currentPath]; } return acc; }, []); const fileMap = optimizedFiles.reduce((obj, filePath) => { return { ...obj, [this.combineFilePath([filePath])]: "", }; }, {}); return this.replaceFiles({ uuid: collectionUuid }, fileMap, showErrors); } copyFiles( sourcePdh: string, files: string[], destinationCollection: CollectionPartialUpdateOrCreate, destinationPath: string, showErrors?: boolean ) { const fileMap = files.reduce((obj, sourceFile) => { const fileBasename = sourceFile.split("/").filter(Boolean).slice(-1).join(""); return { ...obj, [this.combineFilePath([destinationPath, fileBasename])]: `${sourcePdh}${this.combineFilePath([sourceFile])}`, }; }, {}); return this.replaceFiles(destinationCollection, fileMap, showErrors); } moveFiles( sourceUuid: string, sourcePdh: string, files: string[], destinationCollection: CollectionPartialUpdateOrCreate, destinationPath: string, showErrors?: boolean ) { if (sourceUuid === destinationCollection.uuid) { let errors: CommonResourceServiceError[] = []; const fileMap = files.reduce((obj, sourceFile) => { const fileBasename = sourceFile.split("/").filter(Boolean).slice(-1).join(""); const fileDestinationPath = this.combineFilePath([destinationPath, fileBasename]); const fileSourcePath = this.combineFilePath([sourceFile]); const fileSourceUri = `${sourcePdh}${fileSourcePath}`; if (fileDestinationPath !== fileSourcePath) { return { ...obj, [fileDestinationPath]: fileSourceUri, [fileSourcePath]: "", }; } else { errors.push(CommonResourceServiceError.SOURCE_DESTINATION_CANNOT_BE_SAME); return obj; } }, {}); if (errors.length === 0) { return this.replaceFiles({ uuid: sourceUuid }, fileMap, showErrors); } else { return Promise.reject({ errors }); } } else { return this.copyFiles(sourcePdh, files, destinationCollection, destinationPath, showErrors).then(() => { return this.deleteFiles(sourceUuid, files, showErrors); }); } } createDirectory(collectionUuid: string, path: string, showErrors?: boolean) { const fileMap = { [this.combineFilePath([path])]: emptyCollectionPdh }; return this.replaceFiles({ uuid: collectionUuid }, fileMap, showErrors); } }