// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { CommonResourceService } from "./common-resource-service"; import axios, { AxiosInstance } from "axios"; import MockAdapter from "axios-mock-adapter"; import { Resource } from "src/models/resource"; import { ApiActions } from "~/services/api/api-actions"; const actions: ApiActions = { progressFn: (id: string, working: boolean) => {}, errorFn: (id: string, message: string) => {} }; export const mockResourceService = >( Service: new (client: AxiosInstance, actions: ApiActions) => C) => { const axiosInstance = axios.create(); const service = new Service(axiosInstance, actions); Object.keys(service).map(key => service[key] = jest.fn()); return service; }; describe("CommonResourceService", () => { let axiosInstance: AxiosInstance; let axiosMock: MockAdapter; beforeEach(() => { axiosInstance = axios.create(); axiosMock = new MockAdapter(axiosInstance); }); it("#create", async () => { axiosMock .onPost("/resource") .reply(200, { owner_uuid: "ownerUuidValue" }); const commonResourceService = new CommonResourceService(axiosInstance, "resource", actions); const resource = await commonResourceService.create({ ownerUuid: "ownerUuidValue" }); expect(resource).toEqual({ ownerUuid: "ownerUuidValue" }); }); it("#create maps request params to snake case", async () => { axiosInstance.post = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({data: {}})); const commonResourceService = new CommonResourceService(axiosInstance, "resource", actions); await commonResourceService.create({ ownerUuid: "ownerUuidValue" }); expect(axiosInstance.post).toHaveBeenCalledWith("/resource", {owner_uuid: "ownerUuidValue"}); }); it("#create ignores fields listed as readonly", async () => { axiosInstance.post = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({data: {}})); const commonResourceService = new CommonResourceService(axiosInstance, "resource", actions); // UUID fields are read-only on all resources. await commonResourceService.create({ uuid: "this should be ignored", ownerUuid: "ownerUuidValue" }); expect(axiosInstance.post).toHaveBeenCalledWith("/resource", {owner_uuid: "ownerUuidValue"}); }); it("#update ignores fields listed as readonly", async () => { axiosInstance.put = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({data: {}})); const commonResourceService = new CommonResourceService(axiosInstance, "resource", actions); // UUID fields are read-only on all resources. await commonResourceService.update('resource-uuid', { uuid: "this should be ignored", ownerUuid: "ownerUuidValue" }); expect(axiosInstance.put).toHaveBeenCalledWith("/resource/resource-uuid", {owner_uuid: "ownerUuidValue"}); }); it("#delete", async () => { axiosMock .onDelete("/resource/uuid") .reply(200, { deleted_at: "now" }); const commonResourceService = new CommonResourceService(axiosInstance, "resource", actions); const resource = await commonResourceService.delete("uuid"); expect(resource).toEqual({ deletedAt: "now" }); }); it("#get", async () => { axiosMock .onGet("/resource/uuid") .reply(200, { modified_at: "now", properties: { responsible_owner_uuid: "another_owner" } }); const commonResourceService = new CommonResourceService(axiosInstance, "resource", actions); const resource = await commonResourceService.get("uuid"); // Only first level keys are mapped to camel case expect(resource).toEqual({ modifiedAt: "now", properties: { responsible_owner_uuid: "another_owner" } }); }); it("#list", async () => { axiosMock .onGet("/resource") .reply(200, { kind: "kind", offset: 2, limit: 10, items: [{ modified_at: "now", properties: { is_active: true } }], items_available: 20 }); const commonResourceService = new CommonResourceService(axiosInstance, "resource", actions); const resource = await commonResourceService.list({ limit: 10, offset: 1 }); // First level keys are mapped to camel case inside "items" arrays expect(resource).toEqual({ kind: "kind", offset: 2, limit: 10, items: [{ modifiedAt: "now", properties: { is_active: true } }], itemsAvailable: 20 }); }); it("#list using POST when query string is too big", async () => { axiosMock .onAny("/resource") .reply(200); const tooBig = 'x'.repeat(1500); const commonResourceService = new CommonResourceService(axiosInstance, "resource", actions); await commonResourceService.list({ filters: tooBig }); expect(axiosMock.history.get.length).toBe(0); expect(axiosMock.history.post.length).toBe(1); expect(axiosMock.history.post[0].data.get('filters')).toBe(`[${tooBig}]`); expect(axiosMock.history.post[0].params._method).toBe('GET'); }); it("#list using GET when query string is not too big", async () => { axiosMock .onAny("/resource") .reply(200); const notTooBig = 'x'.repeat(1480); const commonResourceService = new CommonResourceService(axiosInstance, "resource", actions); await commonResourceService.list({ filters: notTooBig }); expect(axiosMock.history.post.length).toBe(0); expect(axiosMock.history.get.length).toBe(1); expect(axiosMock.history.get[0].params.filters).toBe(`[${notTooBig}]`); }); });