// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { ContextMenuActionSet } from "views-components/context-menu/context-menu-action-set"; import { collectionPanelFilesAction, openMultipleFilesRemoveDialog } from "store/collection-panel/collection-panel-files/collection-panel-files-actions"; import { openCollectionPartialCopyDialog, // Disabled while addressing #18587 // openCollectionPartialCopyToSelectedCollectionDialog } from 'store/collections/collection-partial-copy-actions'; // These action sets are used on the multi-select actions button. export const readOnlyCollectionFilesActionSet: ContextMenuActionSet = [[ { name: "Select all", execute: dispatch => { dispatch(collectionPanelFilesAction.SELECT_ALL_COLLECTION_FILES()); } }, { name: "Unselect all", execute: dispatch => { dispatch(collectionPanelFilesAction.UNSELECT_ALL_COLLECTION_FILES()); } }, { name: "Create a new collection with selected", execute: dispatch => { dispatch(openCollectionPartialCopyDialog()); } }, // Disabled while addressing #18587 // { // name: "Copy selected into the collection", // execute: dispatch => { // dispatch(openCollectionPartialCopyToSelectedCollectionDialog()); // } // } ]]; export const collectionFilesActionSet: ContextMenuActionSet = readOnlyCollectionFilesActionSet.concat([[ { name: "Remove selected", execute: dispatch => { dispatch(openMultipleFilesRemoveDialog()); } }, ]]);