cwlVersion: v1.1 class: Workflow label: Scattered variant calling workflow requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement inputs: bam: type: File format: edam:format_2572 # BAM label: Indexed sorted BAM with labeled duplicates secondaryFiles: - .bai reference: type: File format: edam:format_1929 # FASTA label: Reference genome secondaryFiles: - .amb - .ann - .bwt - .pac - .sa - .fai - ^.dict sample: type: string label: Sample Name knownsites1: type: File format: edam:format_3016 # VCF label: VCF of known polymorphic sites for BQSR secondaryFiles: - .tbi scattercount: type: string label: Desired split for variant calling outputs: gatheredgvcf: type: File format: edam:format_3016 # GVCF label: GVCF generated from GATK Haplotype Caller secondaryFiles: - .tbi outputSource: merge-GVCFs/gatheredgvcf steps: splitintervals: run: gatk-splitintervals.cwl in: reference: reference sample: sample scattercount: scattercount out: [intervalfiles] recal-haplotypecaller: run: gatk-wf-with-interval.cwl scatter: intervallist in: bam: bam reference: reference sample: sample knownsites1: knownsites1 intervallist: splitintervals/intervalfiles out: [gvcf] merge-GVCFs: run: gather-array-vcf.cwl in: gvcfarray: recal-haplotypecaller/gvcf sample: sample reference: reference out: [gatheredgvcf] s:codeRepository: s:license: $namespaces: s: edam: $schemas: - -