import numpy as np import scipy as scipy import pandas as pd import io import argparse def generatereport(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('txtfilename', metavar='VCF2TXTFILENAME', help='text file of info to annotate') parser.add_argument('samplename', metavar='SAMPLENAME', help='name of sample to use on report') parser.add_argument('headfile', metavar='REPORTHEADHTML', help='head html for report') parser.add_argument('tailfile', metavar='REPORTTAILHTML', help='tail html for report') args = parser.parse_args() pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 10000) # filename = "reportdata.txt" # samplename = "hu34D5B9_var-GS000015891-ASM" # headfile = "head.html" # tailfile = "tail.html" filename = args.txtfilename samplename = args.samplename headfile = args.headfile tailfile = args.tailfile # reading data into dataframe headerlist = ["Variant ID", "Chromosome", "Position", "Ref","Alt","Allele ID", "Clinical Significance","Disease Name","Frequency GO-ESP", "Frequency EXAC", "Frequency 1000 Genomes Project","GT"] reportdata = pd.read_csv(filename,header=0,names=headerlist,sep='\t') reportdata['Zygosity']="." # defining zygosity idxHOM1 = reportdata.GT=='1|1' idxHOM2 = reportdata.GT=='1/1' idxHET1 = reportdata.GT=='1|0' idxHET2 = reportdata.GT=='1/0' idxHET3 = reportdata.GT=='0|1' idxHET4 = reportdata.GT=='0/1' idxHOM = idxHOM1 | idxHOM2 idxHET = idxHET1 | idxHET2 | idxHET3 | idxHET4 reportdata.Zygosity[idxHOM]='HOM' reportdata.Zygosity[idxHET]='HET' # creating url from variant ID clinvarURL = "" reportdata['URL'] = ' Link to ClinVar' reportdata.to_json('test.json',orient='records') str_io = io.StringIO() # creating html table from dataframe reportdatasub = reportdata[["Variant ID", "Allele ID", "Clinical Significance","Disease Name", "Frequency EXAC", "Frequency 1000 Genomes Project","Zygosity","URL"]] reportdatasub.to_html(buf=str_io, classes='table table-bordered',index_names=False,index=False) html_str = str_io.getvalue() html_str_encoded = unicode(html_str).encode('utf8') html_str_encoded = html_str_encoded.replace('<','<') html_str_encoded = html_str_encoded.replace('>','>') html_str_encoded = html_str_encoded.replace('|','
') html_file = open(headfile, 'r') source_code_head = html_file.close() html_file = open(tailfile, 'r') source_code_tail = html_file.close() # combine html table with head and tail html for total report total_html = source_code_head + html_str_encoded + source_code_tail # write out report html f = open(samplename+'.html','wb') f.write(total_html) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': generatereport()