cwlVersion: v1.1 class: Workflow label: WGS processing workflow scattered over samples requirements: - class: SubworkflowFeatureRequirement - class: ScatterFeatureRequirement inputs: fastqdir: type: Directory label: Directory of paired FASTQ files reference: type: File format: edam:format_1929 # FASTA label: Reference genome secondaryFiles: - .amb - .ann - .bwt - .pac - .sa - .fai - ^.dict fullintervallist: type: File knownsites1: type: File format: edam:format_3016 # VCF label: VCF of known SNPS sites for BQSR secondaryFiles: - .idx knownsites2: type: File format: edam:format_3016 # VCF label: VCF of known indel sites for BQSR secondaryFiles: - .tbi scattercount: type: string label: Desired split for variant calling clinvarvcf: type: File format: edam:format_3016 # VCF label: Reference VCF for ClinVar reportfunc: type: File label: Function used to create HTML report headhtml: type: File format: edam:format_2331 # HTML label: Header for HTML report tailhtml: type: File format: edam:format_2331 # HTML label: Footer for HTML report outputs: gvcf: type: File[] outputSource: bwamem-gatk-report/gvcf format: edam:format_3016 # GVCF label: GVCFs generated from GATK report: type: File[] outputSource: bwamem-gatk-report/report format: edam:format_2331 # HTML label: ClinVar variant reports steps: getfastq: run: ./helper/getfastq.cwl in: fastqdir: fastqdir out: [fastq1, fastq2, sample] bwamem-gatk-report: run: ./helper/bwamem-gatk-report-wf.cwl scatter: [fastq1, fastq2, sample] scatterMethod: dotproduct in: fastq1: getfastq/fastq1 fastq2: getfastq/fastq2 reference: reference fullintervallist: fullintervallist sample: getfastq/sample knownsites1: knownsites1 knownsites2: knownsites2 scattercount: scattercount clinvarvcf: clinvarvcf reportfunc: reportfunc headhtml: headhtml tailhtml: tailhtml out: [qc-html,qc-zip,gvcf,report] s:codeRepository: s:license: $namespaces: s: edam: #$schemas: # - # -