$namespaces: s: https://schema.org/ edam: http://edamontology.org/ s:codeRepository: https://github.com/arvados/arvados-tutorial s:license: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html cwlVersion: v1.1 class: Workflow label: Scatter to convert one chromosome of bam to fastqs requirements: ScatterFeatureRequirement: {} inputs: bams: type: type: array items: File format: edam:format_2572 # BAM secondaryFiles: [.bai] label: Alignments in BAM format samples: type: type: array items: string label: Sample names chrom: type: string label: Chromosome name outputs: fastq1s: type: type: array items: File format: edam:format_1930 # FASTQ label: One of set of pair-end FASTQs (R1) outputSource: bam2singlechromfastq/fastq1 fastq2s: type: type: array items: File format: edam:format_1930 # FASTQ label: One of set of pair-end FASTQs (R2) outputSource: bam2singlechromfastq/fastq2 steps: bam2singlechromfastq: run: bam2singlechromfastq.cwl scatter: [bam, sample] scatterMethod: dotproduct in: bam: bams sample: samples chrom: chrom out: [fastq1, fastq2]