This directory contains an Arvados demo showing processing of whole genome sequencing (WGS) data. The workflow includes: * Check of fastq quality * Local alignment using BWA-MEM * Variant calling in parallel using GATK * Generation of an HTML report comparing variants against ClinVar archive Workflows are written in CWL v1.1. Subdirectories are: * cwl - contains CWL code for the demo * yml - contains yml inputs for cwl demo code * src - contains any src code for the demo * docker - contains dockerfiles necessary to re-create any needed docker images To run the workflow: * cd into cwl directory * run the following ** arvados-cwl-runner --no-wait --project-uuid YOUR_PROJECT_UUID wgs-processing-wf.cwl ../yml/YOURINPUTS.yml About the Demo Data: WGS Data used in this demo is public data made available by the Personal Genome Project. This data is from the PGP-UK (