X-Git-Url: https://git.arvados.org/arvados-formula.git/blobdiff_plain/06050e0a5377d3d6a4c54c7f50fe53a06a07c837..4bf9501:/.travis.yml diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml index f098e13..3ced9e0 100644 --- a/.travis.yml +++ b/.travis.yml @@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ jobs: # Run all of the linters in a single job - language: 'node_js' node_js: 'lts/*' + cache: + directories: + - $HOME/.cache/pre-commit env: 'Lint' name: 'Lint: salt-lint, yamllint, rubocop, shellcheck & commitlint' before_install: 'skip' @@ -54,13 +57,87 @@ jobs: - npm i -D @commitlint/config-conventional @commitlint/travis-cli - commitlint-travis + # Install and run `pre-commit` + - pip install pre-commit + - pre-commit run --all-files --verbose + - pre-commit run --hook-stage manual --verbose commitlint-travis - - env: INSTANCE=api-debian-10-3000-1-py3 - - env: INSTANCE=workbench-debian-10-3000-1-py3 - - env: INSTANCE=shell-debian-10-3000-1-py3 - - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-debian-10-3000-1-py3 - # - env: INSTANCE=default-ubuntu-1804-3000-1-py3 - # - env: INSTANCE=default-centos-7-2019-2-py3 + ## Define the rest of the matrix based on Kitchen testing + # Make sure the instances listed below match up with + # the `platforms` defined in `kitchen.yml` + + # - env: INSTANCE=api-debian-10-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-debian-9-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-ubuntu-2004-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-ubuntu-1804-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-centos-7-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-debian-10-master-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-ubuntu-2004-master-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-ubuntu-1804-master-py3 + - env: INSTANCE=api-debian-10-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-debian-9-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-ubuntu-2004-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-ubuntu-1804-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-centos-7-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-debian-10-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-debian-9-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-ubuntu-1804-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-centos-7-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=api-ubuntu-1804-3000-3-py2 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-debian-10-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-debian-9-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-ubuntu-2004-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-ubuntu-1804-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-centos-7-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-debian-10-master-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-ubuntu-2004-master-py3 + - env: INSTANCE=workbench-ubuntu-1804-master-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-debian-10-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-debian-9-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-ubuntu-2004-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-ubuntu-1804-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-centos-7-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-debian-10-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-debian-9-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-ubuntu-1804-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-centos-7-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=workbench-ubuntu-1804-3000-3-py2 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-debian-10-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-debian-9-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-ubuntu-2004-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-ubuntu-1804-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-centos-7-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-debian-10-master-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-ubuntu-2004-master-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-ubuntu-1804-master-py3 + - env: INSTANCE=shell-debian-10-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-debian-9-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-ubuntu-2004-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-ubuntu-1804-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-centos-7-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-debian-10-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-debian-9-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-ubuntu-1804-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-centos-7-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=shell-ubuntu-1804-3000-3-py2 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-debian-10-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-debian-9-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-ubuntu-2004-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-ubuntu-1804-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-centos-7-tiamat-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-debian-10-master-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-ubuntu-2004-master-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-ubuntu-1804-master-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-debian-10-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-debian-9-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-ubuntu-2004-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-ubuntu-1804-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-centos-7-3001-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-debian-10-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-debian-9-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-ubuntu-1804-3000-3-py3 + # - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-centos-7-3000-3-py3 + - env: INSTANCE=keepstore-ubuntu-1804-3000-3-py2 ## Define the release stage that runs `semantic-release` - stage: 'release'