--- ######################################################################## # File managed by Salt at <{{ source }}>. # Your changes will be overwritten. # # Please check https://doc.arvados.org/master/admin/config.html for # documentation about the parameters configured here. ######################################################################## {%- if arvados.release == 'development' %} # (Experimental) Restart services automatically when config file # changes are detected. Only supported by `arvados-server boot` in # dev mode. AutoReloadConfig: {{ arvados.auto_reload_config }} {%- endif %} Clusters: {{ arvados.cluster.name }}: SystemRootToken: {{ arvados.cluster.tokens.system_root | yaml_encode }} ManagementToken: {{ arvados.cluster.tokens.management | yaml_encode }} ForceLegacyAPI14: {{ arvados.cluster.force_legacy_api14 }} API: RailsSessionSecretToken: {{ arvados.cluster.tokens.rails_secret | yaml_encode }} {%- if 'API' in arvados.cluster %} {{ arvados.cluster.API | default('') | yaml(False) | indent(6) }} {%- endif %} Collections: BlobSigningKey: {{ arvados.cluster.secrets.blob_signing_key | yaml_encode }} {%- if 'Collections' in arvados.cluster %} {{ arvados.cluster.Collections | yaml(False) | indent(6) }} {%- endif %} TLS: Certificate: {{ arvados.cluster.tls.certificate | yaml_encode }} Key: {{ arvados.cluster.tls.key | yaml_encode }} Insecure: {{ arvados.cluster.tls.insecure }} Workbench: SecretKeyBase: {{ arvados.cluster.secrets.workbench_secret_key | yaml_encode }} SiteName: {{ arvados.cluster.name | upper }} {%- if 'Workbench' in arvados.cluster %} {{ arvados.cluster.Workbench | yaml(False) | indent(6) }} {%- endif %} {%- for section in [ 'AuditLogs', 'Containers', 'Git', 'InstanceTypes', 'Login', 'Mail', 'RemoteClusters', 'SystemLogs', 'Users', 'Volumes' ] %} {%- if section in arvados.cluster %} {{ section }}: {{ arvados.cluster[section] | yaml(False) | indent(6) }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} ### DATABASE CONFIGURATION PostgreSQL: # FIXME!!!!!! ALL as database or using Arvados' PostgreSQL ?? ConnectionPool: {{ arvados.cluster.database.connection_pool_max }} Connection: # All parameters here are passed to the PG client library in a connection string; # see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS dbname: {{ arvados.cluster.database.name }} host: {{ arvados.cluster.database.host }} password: {{ arvados.cluster.database.password | yaml_encode }} user: {{ arvados.cluster.database.user }} client_encoding: {{ arvados.cluster.database.client_encoding }} {%- if 'PostgreSQL' in arvados.cluster %} {{ arvados.cluster.PostgreSQL | yaml(False) | indent(6) }} {%- endif %} ### SERVICES URLs Services: {%- for service in [ 'Composer', 'Controller', 'DispatchCloud', 'GitHTTP', 'GitSSH', 'Health', 'Keepbalance', 'Keepproxy', 'Keepstore', 'Nodemanager', 'RailsAPI', 'SSO', 'WebDAV', 'WebDAVDownload', 'WebShell', 'Websocket', 'Workbench1', 'Workbench2', ] %} {%- if service in arvados.cluster.Services %} {{ service }}: {{ arvados.cluster.Services[service] | yaml(False) | indent(8) }} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %}