# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim: ft=jinja {#- Get the relevant values from the `opts` dict #} {%- set opts_cli = opts.get('__cli', '') %} {%- set opts_masteropts_cli = opts | traverse('__master_opts__:__cli', '') %} {#- Determine the type of salt command being run #} {%- if opts_cli == 'salt-minion' %} {%- set cli = 'minion' %} {%- elif opts_cli == 'salt-call' %} {%- set cli = 'ssh' if opts_masteropts_cli == 'salt-ssh' else 'local' %} {%- else %} {%- set cli = 'unknown' %} {%- endif %} {%- do salt['log.debug']('[libsaltcli] the salt command type has been identified to be: ' ~ cli) %}