#!/bin/bash build=$1 file=$2 outputdir=$3 usage() { echo "./$0 build_number file_to_parse output_dir" echo "this script will use the build output to generate *csv and *txt" echo "for jenkins plugin plot https://github.com/jenkinsci/plot-plugin/" } if [ $# -ne 3 ] then usage exit 1 fi if [ ! -e $file ] then usage echo "$file doesn't exist! exiting" exit 2 fi if [ ! -w $outputdir ] then usage echo "$outputdir isn't writeable! exiting" exit 3 fi #------------------------------ ## MAXLINE is the amount of lines that will read after the pattern ## is match (the logfile could be hundred thousands lines long). ## 1000 should be safe enough to capture all the output of the individual test MAXLINES=1000 ## TODO: check $build and $file make sense for test in \ test_Create_and_show_large_collection_with_manifest_text_of_20000000 \ test_Create,_show,_and_update_description_for_large_collection_with_manifest_text_of_100000 \ test_Create_one_large_collection_of_20000000_and_one_small_collection_of_10000_and_combine_them do cleaned_test=$(echo $test | tr -d ",.:;/") (zgrep -i -E -A$MAXLINES "^[A-Za-z0-9]+Test: $test" $file && echo "----") | tail -n +1 | tail --lines=+3|grep -B$MAXLINES -E "^-*$" -m1 > $outputdir/$cleaned_test-$build.txt result=$? if [ $result -eq 0 ] then echo processing $outputdir/$cleaned_test-$build.txt creating $outputdir/$cleaned_test.csv echo $(grep ^Completed $outputdir/$cleaned_test-$build.txt | perl -n -e '/^Completed (.*) in [0-9]+ms.*$/;print "".++$line."-$1,";' | perl -p -e 's/,$//g'|tr " " "_" ) > $outputdir/$cleaned_test.csv echo $(grep ^Completed $outputdir/$cleaned_test-$build.txt | perl -n -e '/^Completed.*in ([0-9]+)ms.*$/;print "$1,";' | perl -p -e 's/,$//g' ) >> $outputdir/$cleaned_test.csv #echo URL=https://ci.curoverse.com/view/job/arvados-api-server/ws/apps/workbench/log/$cleaned_test-$build.txt/*view*/ >> $outputdir/$test.properties else echo "$test was't found on $file" fi done